Home StreamLight Flashlight 101 with the Daily Prep

Flashlight 101 with the Daily Prep


Get a little flashlight lesson from Blade HQ and the Daily Prep. What type of flashlight should you get? Watch to find out.

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These are the flashlights show in the video:

Duty Flashlights:

Fenix RC40 Extreme Rechargeable LED Flashlight

FourSevens Maelstrom MM-X Flashlight

Coast HP21 High Performance LED Flashlight

Kit Flashlights:

Fenix PD35 LED Flashlight

Fenix HP15 LED Headlamp

Surefire Minimus Tactical Variable-Output LED Headlamp

Olight S10-L2 Baton Flashlight

Nitecore P12 Flashlight

EDC Flashlights:

5.11 ATAC PL Flashlight

FOURSEVENS Quark Tactical QTA Flashlight

FOURSEVENS Preon II P2 Black Flashlight

Streamlight Stylus Pro LED Pen Light

Streamlight Nano Light LED Flashlight

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  1. 1:57 "Lumens are the measure of brightness" wrong, wrong, wrong. Lumens is the measurement of the output emitted by the LED while Candela is the real measurement of brightness or beam intensity while Lux is the total volume of beam intensity in a certain angle or area.

  2. I think there are more categories. From smallest to largest, button cell flashlights, 1.5 volt EDC, 3 volt EDC, 4.5 volt pocket sized EDC, then holster-carry EDC (5.5"-10"), then your duty lights, which split into two, one handed and two handed, those are the different sizes.

  3. Fully agree with BudgetBugout  on the microstream, was wondering the same thing.  Also while I don't have an ATAC PL, I do have the PLx and stopped carrying it due to the rubber tailcap cover deteriorating(Not sure if this is a common problem).  I typically carry a Streamlight stylus pro and just acquired EDGE by Nebo seems a bit big but has a wicked front bezel and a microstream style clip.

  4. I wouldn't put a lumen range on each light category, plenty if not most EDC lights these days far exceed 75 lumens. Hell, 100+ lumens is the norm for some 1xAAA, 1xAA and pretty much all 1xCR123A lights that are currently in the market.

  5. i love how this was produced! awesome!!
    as someone who carries 3 flashlights at all times (on my person) i can definitely appreciate the content.
    my system consists of a streamlight nano on the keychain, a triple-a edc light connected to a sak and a kubotan sized tactical light (with the necessary momentary on and other simplistic features)

  6. Streamlight Microstream C4,affordable,bright,water proof,push button,clip,reverse s clip to clip on the hat,I check with blade hq first to see if y'all had them, nada! Put the best light for the money on your shelves guys!

  7. I own 3 FourSeven Flashlights and the weakest one is 90 lumens. They come with lots accessories and are great EDC Lights.Their lumens are higher that you said for EDC lights. I carry the Four Seven Quark Tactical QT2A right along side my Kershaw Thermite Pocket Clip Style. 

  8. Great vid! TheDailyPrep is an awesome channel for sure! Kinda surprised that the Streamlight Microstream didn't make an appearance. It has a clip that folds back and can be clipped to the bill of a baseball cap for use as a headlamp (which is useful to people like me who always EDC caps). Most people don't know about the versatility of the Microstream so that could have been a good opportunity for your flashlight expert to share that information with viewers. Maybe next time. ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Can't say I agree with you on the classifications. Where does the Eagletac d25c or Olight S10 Baton fit? A kit light? They are very easy to EDC, I carry the Eagletac daily. Just because it takes a cr123 battery doesn't mean it can't be an EDC light. It's small and has large output, which IMO is ideal.

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