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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger
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Just picked up a Radical AR47 from classic recently and im trting to fins the strongest bcg for it. Does anyone know if the CMMG bcg will fit? Or does anyone know about the PWS bcg?
Best opening ever keep Matt speaking Russian love hearing what that gun has to say
Does that accept AR aftermarket triggers or AK aftermarket triggers? I'd like to put a Geissele in that thing, if possible.
Next video you guys gotta do is mutants and hybrids I’m looking for one to make or buy.
Thank you for your service!
This Russian was most horrible thing I’ve ever heard
What better this or pws 7.62×39 ar ?
I just ordered the 12.5" barrel Banshee in Titanium Cerakote, it'll make the perfect pair with my 10mm Banshee in Burnt Bronze I picked up in Jan. Can't wait!
Why DI instead of piston driven? I thought piston driven was one of the great reliability points of the AK.
Very unique
LoL using the bolt as the mouth, an idea my bro and I have had
High Speed Low Drag "Sputnik" Mags for that Radioactive Swag

Light Speed Green Is Always Better For Lead Slinging MARINES!
Unfortunately, these used to come in a 300 series with a Gisele trigger right out of the box for the same price its being sold for now with the mil spec trigger.
Very very nice translation video! Rarely sorry for not watching yesterday!
I was laughing at your intro very funny keep it up
That intro

Matt is a tool
путин передает привет (putin sends his regards)
CMMG actually makes a bolt carrier group where the bolt cam pin isn’t cut directly into the gas key? <sic>.
I’ll never purchase their product after observing that deep into the Louisiana swamp ingenuity (Vise & Dremel type machining).
I'm not surprised. Republicans love Russia.
The regular AR-15 lower with a 7.62×39 upper should be called the ARK-15.
The first rifle is just a AR in 7.62 x 39. I would prefer it to be piston driven. But sometime you don't get what you want.
“Durak” – that’s only I understand from Russian speech of AR :). Clint, you made my day
I absolutely love the intro probably one of my favorite videos just because of that


ing hilarious! 

Metal stock in the Arizona sun? Or metal stock pressed up to your cheek in Wisconsin winter? You could literally lose flesh. Polymers fine for me as long as it doesn’t pull out beard hair.
Nyet gun isn't AK
AK-15 for the win!
Komrade MK47 is such a chad ngl