Home AR-15 7.5” 5.56 AR15. 300yd. Terminal ballistics and precision

7.5” 5.56 AR15. 300yd. Terminal ballistics and precision


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  1. o you really put it on your face doesn't the buffer tube hurt your face or jaw every time the gun fires i can just imagine feeling the recoil energy on your face i would be scared to have it that close to my face and dont you get gas blow back coming at your eyes sparking out of where the charging handle is? or no

  2. my ARP has the same strike buffer tube and its 7.5 but yours is longer because of the muzzle device you have i also have apistol optic on it i was wondering do i need iron sights too? do i need both front and rear iron sights or only the front sight?

  3. Considering my Glock 23 155 grain underwood produces 548 ft lbs, and a 75 grain aac 556 bthp is doing 650 ft lbs I would say it’s suitable for defense, personally I’ll go 300 blackout and stock up on psa aac vmax 110grain since its 60cents a round and you’ll get about 1100 ft lbs out’ve a 7.5

  4. I'd like to suggest the new Ruger LC Charger in 5.7 as a "cheek pistol". 4lbs, 30rd mags (PSA 23rd + 7rd extensions), and a 10.3" barrel…it's a bit long, but still handy (a 7-8" barrel may be better w/ a suppressor). With 62gr subsonic rounds, you basically have a CENTERFIRE CP33 with 50% more weight. Here's a quick, one-take, low-res video I made of it: https://youtu.be/kHG4YIwoWOs

  5. What are your thoughts on the new Ruger LC Charger in 5.7×28? Seems like a potentially great option for a cheek pistol…sort of a step up in caliber from the CP33.

  6. Like your setup, I tried that with .300 BO. Sort of a mistake. Lots more recoil, almost lost a tooth from the charging handle hitting me in the mouth. And then I see your video about the charging handle without the left side. 🤣

    Still, I've been fiddling with the same ideas for a while. Nice to see I'm not the only one.

    5.56/.223 works well, although I've been using a 10 inch barrel. No where near as much recoil as the .300.

  7. I have a 7.5" AR pistol. People all the time tell me how worthless it is until… They go to the range with me and see it for themselves. From off hand standing at 200 yards with a cheap vortex red dot i can hit 3 out of 5. With it bench rested on my backpack it's "ping" every shot almost as fast as you can pull the trigger. IIRC it's a man sized steel target maybe a bit smaller. It's a nail driver and i wouldn't want to be on the other end of it. This is also using tula steel fmj. I'll let anyone shoot it and they are amazed.

    IMHO this pistol isn't even intended for 200 yard shots. It's just nice to know that it can run great for what it's meant to do.

    It is loud though. lol

  8. Could you educate us on the best ammunition to use in your AR pistol? I hear you refer to a soft point ammunition but I’m not sure I’ve ever caught what manufacture and what grain you are using. Can you compare that ammo to 62 grain M855?

  9. My curiosity has always been around sound inside a house, say 1500 – 2000 sqft home. I see people complaining about how loud a sub 10" 5.56 ar is or feeling the concussive force. Looks like none of that is affecting you, atleast not outside.
    Also curious on your thought on Bullpups? Seems like a potentially good alternative to a short form rifle – sorry, "firearm"

  10. I am a fan of your of let's try this rather than just regurgitating what the internet says. 5.56 is obviously less effective out of a 7.5" than a 16" but as you have demonstrated it is still more capable than a pistol caliber AR. At the distances we are discussing 7.5" has proven effective.

  11. If you were to purpose design a cheek pistol from the ground up, would you go with a bullpup? What are some shortcomings when repurposing existing firearms to this technique? It seem like your keltec build is the most ergonomically adaptable.

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