A California man was fatally shot by police during the execution of a search warrant on a home of a felon prohibited from possessing firearms. Bodycam footage shows Richmond police officers clearing the house until they stumble upon 66-year-old Kevin McDonald, who allegedly armed himself with an AR-15 rifle. Officers shot McDonald after he allegedly pointed the rifle at them. Police recovered over 50 firearms from the home, including 17 “ghost guns,” and a live hand grenade. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks it down.
Sierra Gillespie:
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Those mannequins looked like they were connected to ropes like on Home Alone when he made them dance in front of the window lol im thinking he had that set up to look like real people to throw someone off
Cops murdered this guy.
No such thing as a ghost gun. This is a term created by gun grabbers.
That bed looks like the Pope’s
Doomsday style antics
Has all the guns in the world and still cant defend himself LOL claps in republican
US has so many guns, even the ghosts have guns!
Had he lived in a normal state, he wouldn't have had such an issue except the alleged grenade
Enforcement of California gun laws.
I don't know what this guy did to end up on the cops radar, but it seems like they just outright executed him.
Another convicted felon with a gun. He got what he deserved. Bye Boy! You played the game and just like you started your life, you ended up as a loser.
All of that artillery and he still let them take him out or maybe he didn't want a fight maybe they just killed him because they saw a gun like they usually do.
“Allegedly Shot by Cops”
Even in warzone we don’t hold hands as close as these cops were, it’s a horrible tactic to get mowed down
Im not watching this propoganda
If my life were in risk and it takes extra time to get gloves – very disappointing
AR-15 the choice of American lunatics
In 2020 alone, more people died from putting foreign objects in their anus (287) than have been killed with an AR-15 in the last 5 years.
Obviously the officers should be fired and brought up on charges for excessive force. It clearly doesn't take that many bullets to subdue a suspect.
This could have ended bad for the officers. He could have barricaded himself and started to shoot at them or even throw the grenade. That house was huge and I do not envy the job of these officers.
Illegal guns wins him execution? SOmething not right about all this.
The police musta planted those gun there cause the law says hims not supposed to have none *drool*
mickey milkovich house
what was his job> are they applying
I see a bunch of Nazi's brandishing guns, but not the guy in his house minding his business!
So everyone but the sergeant of the squad was smart enough to wear all of their gear? I thought with experience came wisdom, but in this case it's just ignorance.
"Ghost guns" yeah whatever
died a FREEMAN
Don't forget about him having a mannequin dressed like a soldier lol
Just…… think about it.
If we, the government, with all the guns, find you to be illegally holding guns, we will send people to kill you with guns.
People, get yourself guns. Become efficient with them.
“What do you think you’re going to do against the government with guns when they have nuclear weapons?”
I’m not exactly sure, but let’s ask Afghanistan and Vietnam.
They make a big deal about serial numbers.
If more good people were allowed to own guns we wouldn't have such problems.
Police investigations by police are often biased and untrustworthy.
Property rights continue to decline in the United States. Citizens need to develop good counter measures to protect their property from government and criminals.
when they take away your guns with force in your own home…
Americans and their guns xD nice priorities guys.
Illegal weapons what was illegal about them because it’s already been proven Californian gun laws are unconstitutional
Lie lie lie
No weapon they lied
Richmond paranoid department
There no weapon
GOOD JOB newsome, he had all them illegal guns in YOUR state.
Looks like they shot a guy sleeping with a gun next to him, dude had his arms undercover and gun was by his feet, looks like a trigger happy cop to me
Runor has it that he was having inappropriate non binary relations with the mannequin soldier
It’s not illegal to own firearms
So impressed at the mall-ninja-tactical cops.
The optimal formation…clumping blindly and expressing their confusion loudly…
They make more than an average marine…how sad is that?
They wrongfully shot him
On June 28th Richmonds County police officers executed…
a search warrant..