Home EOTech The Trijicon MRO is the Worst Red Dot on the Market

The Trijicon MRO is the Worst Red Dot on the Market


I haven’t been this disappointed since Mass Effect 2.

You, Trijicon, keep my vision out of focus;
my optic turns my darkness into blurry darkness
MRO 18:28

Follow up review of the MRO HD:

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  1. So about the MRO FOV: would it have an advantage when used in tandem with a magnifier compared to other red dots?

    Nvm just scrolled down. Apparently it's also trash behind a magnifier

  2. Great review Hop, I had to send my MRO back, shit was giving me a headache to look through over extended periods of time. It also seemed a bit magnified to me too

  3. Don't tell me Trisha kind release this without knowing the issues. They manufactured probably hundreds of thousands of them, realize that there was an issue which they should have realized before they begun mass manufacturing and then figured that they would deal with the complaints when they came in and hope that not too many people notice. Seems like trijicon is suffering from complacency.

  4. Can confirm the MRO is mostly garbage. I had a green dot version about two years ago and sold it almost immediately. My biggest issue was the way the dot's emitter is horribly noticable within the housing, especially in low-light/night settings.

  5. I really appreciate this video. Honesty is important for reviews and despite the claims to remain objective of every guntuber out there, most are full of shit and hush money.

    I don't own anything made by trijicon because they are prohibitively expensive, and this is a problem I see across the entire gun/optic/attachment industry.

    I won't be hopping aboard this bandwagon of hailing domestically made products as perfection until they get off of their laurels and piles of cash made from government contracts and actually compete.

  6. I use an MRO on an MPX. It has all the problems you listed. On the range shooting targets even on the move it works. That said I don't usually shoot from lying down on my side positions.

  7. Hop, after using my mro alot I have a few notes.
    1. I don't use night vision so this doesn't really apply to me

    2. It's battery life is dog balls
    3. The paralax issues are real
    4. It works well though for plinking steel I have it on a cheap upper and feel like it works
    5. For the price it's not worth it.
    6. I think it's a good looking optic
    7. Dot is pretty clear and bright

    Moral of the story. Trijicon sucks dick. However the mro is an okay dot for a white light gun to fuck around with if you can find one used and on the cheap. I found my mro and the scalarworks 1.93 for 300$ on the aftermarket and it's a decent deal . It would never replace my aimpoint on my "protection gun" or even a holosun if I had the chance lmao

  8. Well, mine has been pretty good on my AK without any real issue. Got it 6 months ago, and with a military discount, I got it for 340, shipped without a mount.

  9. I gotta say I can't imagine buying NVG and trying to stuff it through an RDS. I get why you pearl clutch about it but c'mon man. There's things that are possible and things that are realistic. If you're spending suppressor/NVG money get a DBAL or similar

  10. Not only is this ass on fire arms but in every game ive played thats had this optic it never looked good on an firearm and every other option looked better lmao

  11. Slight correction: the red dot should be focused at or just inside of infinity, so you will need to have the NV focused at infinity for the work, which will make the target slightly blurry if it's close like an eye chart 20 ft away). But the target focus shouldn't change between directly seeing it and seeing it through the glass. And the parallax is inexcusable.

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