Home AR-15 Fire/Survival Kit in Fixed-Rifle Stock

Fire/Survival Kit in Fixed-Rifle Stock


Just a little something I do, I little fire kit in the fixed butt stock of my rifle. In case I’m separated from my pack. If you do this, you’ll custom fit it to your needs. And this will change and progress. And if I, or you choose not to carry the cleaning kit, there is a lot of room for other little extras.

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  1. Man that's awesome, I just asked in my video yesterday if anyone has some fat wood they could send me to make a handle for a buddy who went off grid in florida. Its hard finding in my location

  2. I'm not sure it gets any better than a fat wood handle! Terrific use of a normally empty space brother, I think I'd put a couple of hooks and some fishing line in there as well. I appreciate the share my friend.

  3. Going to show my ignorance here, I did not know you could open up the gun (stock?) and it had a cleaning kit in there.  Great idea mind and logical when you think about it.  You can tell, I have never owned or fired a gun before lol.  Cheers Alan

  4. Yep, got the Space, why not put it to Work? Also, if you're not putting Cleaning Fluid in the Handle of your Weapon, why not a Hank of Bankline and a Small Whistle? Provided you got the kind that has the lid on it. But Dang! I didn't know King Kong used Ferro Rods! 😀 Take Care.

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