Close Up view of the moon zoom 1000x Beatiful View Short The moon
Enjoy for watching
#MoonZoom #zoom1000x #viewthemoon

Close Up view of the moon zoom 1000x Beatiful View Short The moon
Enjoy for watching
#MoonZoom #zoom1000x #viewthemoon


That's China Space Ship's. China is Mining the back of the moon Thorium
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لاشريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت وهو على كل شيء قدير واشهد أن مُحمد عبده ورسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين ٠٠٠٠٠
The American flag
In plain sight just randomly filming it. If someone would be filming like this everyday what might we expect to see then??? While people just go about their lives on a daily basis what goes on out there??? What would astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson have to say about this??? Bring me an Alien……..
That is astronaut
I find it funny y'all are really quick to point of its fake when a random puts it up but if this were to be put out by NASA yall would eat this shit up…

bunch of idiots..
La mejor camara. No solo por el zoom si no que además cuando esa nave deja caher algo se escucha claramente como acelera.
Yup Looks like inside the firmament like god said good close up and its supposed to be far away lol try landing in something spin fast
like supposedly earth
God say its fixed and cannot move whos right God or science aka man ?
can clearly tell this is a real video
This makes no sense
Well that object is the Chinese rocket that crashed to the Moon
Na there's no life out there only us.
Like it if you saw something like satellite
hoovering or could be aliens 
I did this in after effects. Fake
That is actually just two flags the moon is just a giant space craft that isn't very far away at all. Hence why it always faces the same direction

Photo shopped
So many fake AI videos now about the Moon. This one's ok because not total destruction of the Moon by natural space objects being too close. We wouldn't even see it happening, Earth
would be done too.
It’s a good thing I watched this 13 time’s
Government knows something
Anime boss battle
Os dominantes, o spectroman deve estar pela área
look? … some ships fucking on the moon!

What are we seeing???
If you took a flight and filmed it from a 747 What you'd see would actually scare you…
Best… image stabilization… ever. Let me guess. Canon R1?
Cancer as usual.

Awesome video!
AI show how it is possible.
Thats as close as they ever got to the moon!
How long are this ships? 20 km or what

nice fake
tell this UFO to come kidnap Mitsotakis from Greece please
do you guys see the little cluster of what looks like orbs or something flying close to the surface,on the top left side…?
those "UFO's" would literally be the size of a small county if this were a legit video, good work on the edit though
Last camre
Super duper Jetsons lens
Pretty close moon
Not 230k miles away. Lol
Falso jajaja en ese momento y en esos segundos no había nubes en esa área y justo en el zoom para darle más “ReALiSmO” aparecen una nubes pasando de izquierda a derecha …
The moon isn’t in outer space.
Damn you got proof of these big balloons floating satellites. The Simpsons really does tell us the truth that is crazy. Those lyin mother fuckers