Billet and Forged AR-15 upper receivers are made differently so which one is best? See our video to learn more.
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Billet and Forged AR-15 upper receivers are made differently so which one is best? See our video to learn more.
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I wish your customer service was worth a darn, I’d buy many more than what I have already
I need a 6.8 spcll complete upper receiver 416r 20” as barrel
Forged all the way
Good job keep up the good work
If billet is more expensive and weaker than forged then why would it even be offered as an option? There must be some sort of pro to billet built receivers
On some billet uppers, the rail is taller and dosen't line up with after market hand guards. That was a different brand though.
Never really get if "billet" is the same as "milled," if usually hearing forged verse milled. An if "forged" is stronger, but billet takes longer and therefore costs more. Why wouldn't companies just do what's stronger and apparently quicker, an forge everything.
Have a set of each. Bought a rifle with matched billet receivers and built a pistol with forged lower/upper. The biggest difference to me is the machine work on the billet receivers is super clean sharp lines, a little more girth, where the forged feels a little less defined and a bit smoother on the edges.
I'll thank the lighter, cheaper and stronger one….. how is billet even an option?
I've always preferred Forged receivers. They are more sleek and smooth. Less bulky too.
Either way, your receiver will be both forged and milled and it will come down to final heat treatment as to the quality. Only difference is price
Thank you for this video direct into the point.
Good explanation, still never touch a BCA product with a 10 ft pole.
If forged is heavier i really dont mind considering it's less likely to blow up beside my head.
Should touch on the importance of the machining process. Dispel the myth that if it comes from the same forge, cerro for example, it does not guarantee the finished product will be the same from brand to brand.
Set palmetto state armoury not make uppers for their lowers Like their KS47 cent They cannot produce the uppers They leave customers hanging And do not take care of Customers I wish you would be able to make uppers for the KS47 lowers And still used AK 47 mags Then Make a 6.5 Grindle upper and still be able use AK mags
I want a forged side charger, make this happen.
Well done explanation, layman’s terms, but makes it so anyone can comprehend. Good job and loved my recent barrel orders. Shipped them quick, it’s pack them a wee bit better next time, still my damned favorite barrels for the price.
Good info
Hey can you guys make a video about you exchange program please
I love my BCA upper..! Thank you for making a great piece.!
Bear creek arsenal should get into the ammo making business they offer great quality stuff im sure there ammo would be just as great and reasonably priced
Is this a joke? I hope people don't take this seriously.
GREAT info, thanks.

I need my order bro lol