Home StreamLight Shotgun Setups With Bill Quirk of DTG

Shotgun Setups With Bill Quirk of DTG


Instructor Bill Quirk with Defensive Training Group – DTG goes over a few core shotgun principles to ensure you’re getting the most out of shooting your shotgun.

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  1. that side saddle is way too bulky and his fore end is looking way too busy and cramped for my taste. Badass optics mount tho, even has a ghost ring. Now that is streamline and i really like that.

  2. Quick question for anyone who can answer, my pressure pad wire goes over the barrel like it does here to reach my light. Should I be concerned with the wire insulation melting when the barrel is running hot?

  3. I prefer my forend (Hogue) clear of all attachments. Same w/ stock 12” LOP. I use a green laser on top and Velcro ammo strip on side. 590A1 18”bbl. I will buy the mini adapter from defender .

  4. Is there anything special to getting the switch lead to stay in the light when racking? I put an M600DF with the UE cap on my 870 and it would unplug itself from inertia within four cycles. Switched to the click cap instead

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