Home AR-15 Crushed AR-15 Upper Receiver

Crushed AR-15 Upper Receiver


Crushed AR-15 Upper Receiver

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  1. Had this happen to one of my uppers, took it to my LGS (where they pride them selves on their AR builds) and all I wanted was for them to swap out my hand guard. When I came back to pick it up they said it was a PITA to get the original one off, and when they handed me my AR I cycled the bolt to check that the chamber was clear, and it stuck to the rear with no mag. Luckily the guy that was there when I dropped it off verified to the manager that the bolt was cycling just fine when he checked the chamber when I dropped it off. After a few minutes in the back with my AR they came out and told me that their guy must have crushed it in their jig, and they immediately said they would replace it at no charge with the same brand. I didn't make a stink since they fessed up without me having to complain, and since the gun never left the store.
    While I never brought anything back to them to be worked on, I did continue to shop there and shoot at their range and they have always been friendly to everyone I've seen walk through their doors. Anyway, sht happens so try not to get pissed right away because sometimes it works itself out.

  2. What causes an extractor pin to shear? I had no problems at the range today but when I got home to clean my ar and take it apart I was shocked. As I took apart the bcg I saw a bunch of little circles of metal. My first thought was I must be punching through primers because I had that problem on a different ar. But as I removed the pin for the extractor I quickly realized that the pin was half the size it should be and those circles of metal must be from it.

  3. Funny I'm watching this in about a week and a half ago I just barreled an upper. I only use a two piece vise block that not only clamps the outside but there's an insert that goes in where the bolt carrier and charging handle rides and fills that whole void to reinforce it internally.

  4. Not sure who else to ask but I figured I'd ask on here. When I'm doing a fast reload on my BCM while the bolt carrier is back, the trigger is not engaging. It engages fine when I shoot regularly but when I try to do a quick reload while the bolt is back and then press the bolt catch to lock the bolt carrier in place, it does not shoot? Can anyone help me out, it's driving me crazy and this is a brand new weapon, also the magazine seems to get stuck and very hard to get out. I have to force the magazine out with a lot of muscle.

  5. I've had two M&P 15 Sport 2's. My neighbor also has one. All three have receivers bent in the same way. On one, it caused malfunctions until I bent it out enough to relieve the resistance. The three guns were made years apart, between 2016 and 2022.

  6. Could you repair the bow by inserting a mandrel with the contour of the BCG and gently expand the diameter of the bcg via a set of tapered wedges . Like a dent removal tool for a shotgun barrel? Also, would you recommend using a heat gun to warm the metal to lessen the susceptibility of cracking?

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