Home CMMG How to Install AR15 Buffer Tube Assembly – Aero Precision Lower Receiver

How to Install AR15 Buffer Tube Assembly – Aero Precision Lower Receiver


Here’s a video showing you how to install the buffer tube on an AR15. For this video, I am using all Aero Precision Parts (Aero Precision Buffer Kit, Lower, and Lower Parts Kit). I highly recomend using all Aero Parts because it will make installing the rear Take-down pin much easier, as shown in the video. I hope this is helpful!

#ar15 #howto

00:00 – Parts Overview
01:15 – Install Locking Nut and Plate
02:27 – Install Buffer Tube
04:16 – Tighten Locking Nut
5:49 – Install Buffer and Spring

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  1. I've been using this tutorial for my 300blk (thank you!)
    Would you happen to know what buffer weight I should be using for a 300blk 16" with pistol length gas tube?
    I'm thinking about BCG MK2 buffer but no idea if it's gonna work

  2. This was a fix for me. First build and I am highly trained by youtube.
    I followed a video and things went really good till the end.
    I did not understand the Buffer Tube and the detent pin.
    The video made out like the pin was to lock the Buffer Tube. While it does but that is not what it is for. It holds the buffer spring in.
    Anyway, my rifle did not want to close and would click if you pushed it down. the last 1/16 of an inch to lock.
    I watched this video, and your tube does not stick out at all. So, I backed mine off one turn and sure enough that was the problem.
    Thank you very much for this life saving video.
    There is a post saying the guy ground it off with a Dremel.

  3. Nicee. Thanks for the video. I am building an M4E1 as well! Mine will be .300 blackout though.
    My first AR in 5.56 i bought already assembled. This M4E1 will be my first build. Still deciding how much of upper I am going to put together. I noticed just about all complete uppers rely on a set screwed gas block but i would like a pinned one. I lack a drill press to do it on my own though.
    Ballistic Advantage sells a barrel that has a pre-drilled gas block with a pin included but if I go that route I will have to buy everything separate… Aero doesn't sell just uppers with a handguard attached.

  4. How do you make sure that's the notches on the buffer tube that your brace or stock slides onto is facing straight down and not off angle?

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