Home CMMG Sig Sauer MCX Spear LT vs. CMMG Resolute MK47

Sig Sauer MCX Spear LT vs. CMMG Resolute MK47


Chris compares the Sig Sauer MCX Spear LT and puts it up against his favorite – “The Mutant” – more commonly known as the CMMG Resolute MK 47. Both are awesome rifles. Does one have an edge over the other?

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  1. I’ve heard from other people that the LT is over gassed so hopefully we get an OEM option to give more gas settings than just plus or minus to fix that issue.

  2. Well I have an idea…..(insert sarcasm)… How bout you take the suppressor off of the Spear LT so it would actually be a more fair comparison.. seems like common sense to me but guess not.. geez..

  3. I'm with you. I love the folding stock on the Sig, and Sig makes some good stuff, but overall if I had to pick between the two, I'd go CMMG. And I will always refer to the MK 47 as the Mutant.

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