Home AR-15 ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban Has Started, Only A Small Percentage Registered

ATF’s Pistol Brace Ban Has Started, Only A Small Percentage Registered


Dad & Girl Dad Merchandise:

According to a Congressional Research Service Report, there could be as many as 40 million pistol braces in circulation in the US. However, the ATF claims the number is much lower, ranging from 3 to 7 million. Regardless, the number of applications to register these braces by the June 1, 2023 deadline was a mere 255,162.

That’s a significant disparity compared to the total number of braces out there.

The sheer absurdity of this brace rule is evident.

Many people aren’t even aware of the regulation, and those who registered likely did so to obtain a free SBR, thanks to the ATF’s removal of the $200 tax.

These people just want to protect themselves and live their lives, they don’t have the time to be worried about barrel length and stock configurations.

And let’s not forget the injunctions against the ban, temporarily preventing enforcement.

But even if these injunctions didn’t exist. There are millions of these things out there, you thought you were just going to scoop them up and start throwing people in Jail for owing a piece of plastic that you all said was legal years ago?

These ill-conceived gun laws only serve to punish law-abiding citizens, while criminals continue to perpetrate violence.

The majority of gun-related crimes involve handguns, yet the ATF focuses on regulating a piece of plastic that aids in accurate shooting.

It’s clear that these laws are more about control than safety.

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  1. What I love most, next to the mass non compliance, is how every part of this underlines common use. The applications (the stun gun case considered 200k of them common use). Then there are the lowest estimates of owners in general. On top of that all the number of braces out there in existence period.

    Happy to see the defiance. But spread the word. This turns it into a tack on charge. Meaning people need to be informed.

  2. I think they should make gun owners more liable for there weapons since yall just dont get it. you lose it. you get prosecuted. its used in a crime. you get prosecuted. i believe this is the best way to handle this situation. make all people responsible. for there actions.

  3. Remember that this registry is meant to lay the groundwork for gun confiscation. It doesn’t have to be a comprehensive firearms registry to start down that path. Tyrants.

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