Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Delaware: Committee Hearing Gun-Free Zone Expansion Bills

NRA-ILA | Delaware: Committee Hearing Gun-Free Zone Expansion Bills


On Wednesday, the House Administration Committee will hear House Bills 201 and 202, to increase arbitrary boundaries in which law-abiding citizens are left defenseless. Please contact committee members and ask them to oppose HB 201 and HB 202.

House Bill 201 prohibits possessing firearms within 1000 feet of private and public school properties, with exemptions for carry permit holders having firearms in vehicles and for firearms possessed on private property not a part of school properties, used in lawful sporting activities or instruction, and in locked containers or racks in vehicles.

House Bill 202 prohibits possessing firearms at polling places, including ballot drop off locations, from two hours before polls open, to two hours after polls close on an “Election Day,” which includes early voting days.

Neither of these bills require authorities to provide any security measures for disarmed citizens in these locations, such as a police presence, fences, or staffed metal detectors, in order to prevent armed criminals from ignoring the law and entering. They also do not require authorities to clearly demarcate these areas, which can result in otherwise law-abiding citizens being unaware that they are entering one of these “gun-free zones” where they must disarm.

Also on Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear Senate Bill 85, a constitutional carry bill. Currently, 27 other states have constitutional carry. The hearing is open to the public. NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are invited to participate.

Again, please contact House Administration Committee members and ask them to OPPOSE House Bills 201 and 202.

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