Springfield Saint Victor 9mm PCC
Pistol Caliber Carbines always remind me of when I realized I was sexually attracted to girls. I went from running away from them thinking they all had cooties to give me all of the girl cooties I can handle.
That’s a passively inappropriate way of saying, I’m never into pistol-caliber carbines until I shoot them.
The Springfield Saint Victor is no exception.
Initially hesitant, I quickly became enamored with this rifle’s performance. The clean and sleek design, featuring a rail-free handguard and a stylish forward blast muzzle device, adds to its visual appeal.
While the skinny Colt Pattern 9mm magazine may seem unusual, the sheer enjoyment of shooting outweighs any reservations.
The flat-faced nickel boron-coated trigger not only creates a striking contrast against the rifle’s black exterior but also offers a satisfying shooting experience with its smooth break and predictable reset.
The recoil impulse of the Saint Victor PCC surprised me, providing a manageable yet slightly different feel due to the forward blast diverter and 9mm blowback design. It allows for rapid, accurate shooting, keeping the sights on target in a controlled circular pattern.
With its balanced and slim profile, the Saint Victor handles like a dream, offering enhanced maneuverability compared to standard AR-15s. Equipped with the B5 Systems Bravo Stock and Type 23 P-Grip, it brings a fresh feel to the rifle, setting it apart from the ubiquitous Magpul furniture.
If you’re a devoted PCC enthusiast or seeking a firearm with reduced recoil, the Springfield Saint Victor should be at the top of your list to try.
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Love it !! and its legal in California (with the necessary Juggernaut Tactical mods of course.)
I went to a public range yesterday to train a bit and clear the cobweb's out of some guns. Guy next to me had one of these! Sexy, stupid easy, no recoil..i fell in love. I have 3 9mm handguns but if a rifle can fire the same round that i own…done. Going through DROS as we speak
If the goal is just 9mm carbine fun, the Victor is $1,100+,
compared to a Sub 2000 $400+ just as fun, takes Glock mags,
and is foldable, no brainier!
Affordable is a relative term. And it's not relative to my situation.
in a self defense situation most likely the attacker is going to be wearing body armor these days ! Pistol caliber will not penetrate armor!
is there a reason carbines aren't common in 10mm?
You need to shoot a Brekke Custom PCC. Will blow your mind.
$1300?! Hard pass…..
This might for me replace my “California compliant” AR-15. Not sure it too has to be made “compliant” (read: unsafe to use). But if not, and it really is a de fee by price, this is what I might get.
PPC's are a good and useful just the same as pistols, shotguns & rifles
Why can’t u 3 tap a target with a .223?
I love my kel-tec sub 2000, it's amazing the grouping at 100yrds. Personally I prefer it for home defense over my .556.
This is definitely one of the AR pattern PCC's ever made.
Can't you spend another $400 to put in a Franklin armory binary trigger in it
About $275 for a Hi-Point, have order a big mag to max the fun level…… I've done a lot of loading my AR 30rnd mags with just 10rnd for range time, I just found 10rnds was enough before changing mags at the range…….they are all loaded 30rnds while I type
The Ruger PCC is the one I really wanted but I'll wait till price drops below $500 again, GAWD the mad rush on guns made them unaffordable…..2019 they were $400
I would take the new S&W folding rifle in over this in a heartbeat
I like it, but wish it took Glock magazines
Got a psa complete blem lower and a blem complete 8” for less than $600. Spent another $600 on Glock oem mags and ammo.
Building ar9s is so cheap, I’m curious how much better the $1200 on performs
Wtf is the point of a rifle that long in 9mm, no thanks
I’ll stick to S.W. FPC way affordable and folds in half, Can’t beat it for the price.
Twice the price of my Ruger PC carbine. Even after I customized it.
I got a strange stirring, a fizzing, if you will, watching that carbine doing it’s thing.
The 9mm magazine puts me in mind of the Thompson, not exactly the same, but like a grandchild of the same heritage.
I hate iron sights but I like them. I hate the look but I like it. I hate the magazine look, but I like it now. You’ll say anything for Springfield.
Get a real rifle Dindu.
That should be an SBR or AR Pistol. That would be awesome.
Am I a felon today?
That's really cool you did a review on this rifle when you did, because I was at the store checking this one out about a week ago.
Thanks for all the videos and your dedication to exposing all the anti – gun b.s.
I also have appreciated the esthetics of the Springfield St. Victor line. You described the PCC most eloquently. I used to carry and train with a Colt SMG. Because of logistical problems with parts and magazines toward the end of the run, they did not function very reliably. To their credit, they’d been shot a lot. Always looking for something new, I embraced a new AR pattern 5.56 and forgot about the SMG. A few years back, I got to fire one again – one that worked. I’d forgotten how pleasant the SMG really handled. For one who had already amassed a fair amount of experience with M16s, the SMG was simply easy to transition. I haven’t fired a 16 inch barreled version, but can see how they’d be great shooters.
Maybe I could make some kind of modern Thompson out of this lol
Springfield. No thanks.
I get off on guns more then I get off of women. That’s old news.
I would like to see how you would rate the S&W M&P FPC rifle
Even though I sold all my guns a few years ago, I like this 9mm rifle !!!
Man you the new Have Gun Will Travel guy.

It's a little long for school hallways, isn't it??? Is there a shorter one that holds 1000 rounds?
It looks and seems to handle great but it can't use the clip on thermal devices that is shown at the beginning of the video.
Why? Ballistics of the 9mm with 16 or more inch barrel doesn't gain much velocity, might be losing velocity compared to AR pistol barrel lengths.
colion gun reviews are always the best LOL right off the bat
Fr same thing happened to me I started with a Scorpion Carbine fell In love then a Ruger PC carbine , grand power Stribog then a AP5 and a ar9
yes I’m I love them
Thank you for this video!
I have to keep in mind that a lot of people’s opinion of what’s “affordable” isn’t my version of affordable
The link for the gun doesn’t work
You can sit on target with any 5.56 AR with any even half ass brake. So again especially with a 16” barrel, why use a weaker cartridge?
How in the Wild Wild World of sports is a 1,200.00 Colt pattern mag only PC carbine affordable? When you can get a Ruger PC Carbine takedown for about 650.00? Colion, You are messed up and on the Springfield Tit.
Does it accept Glock mags ??????
No glock mags = epic fail.
Dude I love this new style, super peaceful and straight forward while still maintaining your personal integrity and honesty. Big ups bro, hope you have a good one.
Great opening line.
Don't you see that there must be something wrong when off a long barrel like this, a small, tiny mag hangs? 9mill is just wrong. For Pistols there is .357, for Revolvers the 44 mag, for Sub Machine…. Ok, for Scorpions and MACs and Micro Uzis using drum mags, but rifles need 7,62 old school NATO, .308 Winchester or 300 Blackout, especialy in carbines and big rifles sweet heavy .50 cal especially, if it is about to make a statement, a proper def'net statement…#muahahahahaha
#provos #MIB
True story, all of it. Especially the leg day part!