The View Gun Debate Chris Sununu
The hosts of The View decided to take on Republican Governor Chris Sununu in a debate about AR-15s and mass shootings. Brace yourselves, because it was a train wreck of misinformation and embarrassing arguments.
First off, let’s talk about the AR-15.
These hosts seemed to have zero understanding of what they were talking about.
They rambled on about how dangerous and deadly it is, completely oblivious to the fact that it’s a semi-automatic rifle, just like many other firearms out there.
They portrayed it as some kind of autonomous killing machine, as if the gun itself is responsible for the actions of criminals. Come on, ladies, let’s get our facts straight!
But it didn’t stop there.
They conveniently ignored the reality that mass shootings account for less than 1% of firearm homicides. Yes, you heard that right. Less than 1%!
Yet they were quick to demonize the AR-15, even though it’s involved in only a fraction of those tragic incidents. It’s like they were playing a game of “Let’s blame the gun without looking at the actual facts.”
And here’s the kicker: The hosts failed to recognize that Governor Chris Sununu governs the safest state in the nation, New Hampshire.
They thought they had some gotcha moment by pointing out his A Rating with the NRA and his stance on gun laws.
But guess what? New Hampshire is a shining example of how responsible gun ownership and sensible policies can contribute to a safe environment.
They were left speechless, stumbling over their words, unable to comprehend this inconvenient truth.
It’s frustrating to see these supposed “experts” embarrass themselves on national television.
They lacked the knowledge, the understanding, and the willingness to engage in an honest and informed debate. Instead, they resorted to fear-mongering and cherry-picking data to fit their narrative. It’s disappointing, to say the least.
So, my friends, let’s not fall into the trap of misinformation. Let’s educate ourselves, have meaningful conversations, and demand that our media holds itself to a higher standard. We deserve better than these embarrassing debates that only perpetuate ignorance.
Join me as we continue to seek the truth, debunk misconceptions, and have real discussions about the important issues that affect our rights and safety. Stay tuned for more videos where we dive deep into these topics and shed light on the realities that often get lost in the noise.
Together, we can bring about a more informed and responsible dialogue.
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Every one of them can go the fuck somewhere else. Get out of my country you fascist assholes.
If brains and/or intelligence were dynamite, the panel on "The View" couldn't blow Whoopi's nose….
To the hosts of the view…in a battle of wits don't come unarmed!
The amount of ignorance at The View is stellar. They use incorrect terms, and are programmed by the media. They should leave the 2nd amendment alone until they learn some FACTS about guns.
Colion, it’s not that they get the stats wrong: it’s that they know their viewers won’t do their due diligence and look up the facts. Facts to them are things that get in the way of their political views.
3:20 – They contradict themselves. First, they claim that states with strict gun laws have less violence, but states with strict gun laws have higher violence because of guns from states with less violence!
Joy Behar would want to ban water pistols if it proved her point
Great video. Thanks for doing these videos.
It is simply this Colion, if these types of "females" like the View host's, would shut their pieholes long enough to actually Think BEFORE they Speak, and therefore, listen they would have All the intellectual information they need. But they CONTINUE to flap those big azz mouths and simply put: they C an't U nderstand N ormal T hinking!!!
I'd imagine most, if not all, of those "mass shootings" are probably in NYC, Chicago, Detroit…
Colin….You need to go on the view, and settle the score!! Lol
I understand there were certain instances before that happened few and far between, but Columbine was essentially the first school shooting. The AWB was in effect at the time. It didn't prevent Columbine from happening. At the time, the media was literally blaming Marilyn Manson – someone that the people involved didn't even listen to, and he condemned what they did publicly to boot. The Department of Justice did a study to evaluate the effectiveness of the 94' AWB and found that it wasn't. The data is clear. They're ignoring and manipulating it.
Thank you for your informative pod casts. I just want these talking heads to spew facts and not just rhetoric. Keep the faith and remember most of America is on your side.
Can you just go on The View and demolish those cackling hens once and for all bc I’m sick of hearing their ignorant comments and misinformation/disinformation about guns
The view needs banned
The feed lot is just a leftist propaganda machine.
There are so many people like this that hear a stat and not for ONE SECOND does a logic part of their brain go off and say that doesn't sound right… Unless you say something real that goes against their narrative.
I tell you what drives me up the dang wall, is why the heck doesn't a leading governor of a US state make the same arguments as seen and heard here for all the viewers of the "View?"
I don't know why this View even exists, if you watch 30 minutes of one of their programs your brain will abandoned your head in the first 2 minutes
Watching the view is like drinking a gallon of whiskey. You'll lose the same amount of brain cells.
This is why I will never Vote for a Woman President ….
Also you have to be a resident of the State to buy a gun from that State.
Also, the 2A doesn't say that the militia, nor civilians, can't have the same kind of weapon the military has.
Using "Gun violence" instead of "Violence" to omit other results is a classic. Just keep ignoring the fact that hommicides Continued to drop until 2014, 10 years after the national assault weapons ban was lifted, and that was americas most peacful year on record.
Thanks Colion
So stupid…
Leave it to gun expert Joy Behar for this gun gem. "The NR-15… The Automatic Rifle that killed a bunch of children who were just going to school".
Shocked no one else caught that.
I still don’t know why anyone goes on The View. It’s too painful to watch, it’s just this hate filled cringe fest.
I think The View needs to ask you on the show. You are more knowledgeable.
I lived through this. The 90's were a nightmare because of the ban. Regan screwed us in 86. Clinton and Biden in 94. Trust me neither side is for us.
Mr Noir your always

about her the TV show The view is a stage full of women who don't know nothing about gun laws they don't even nothing about guns. They reading an article is that they seen somewhere and he brought it today show they need to just stick with talkin about movie the need to get all political they do not know anything about
Colion should go on the view and defeat these arguments right in front of them
You are 2 roughly twice as likely to be killed by lightning then you are a mass shoestings (using a reasonable definition), and the difference is even larger when it's with a rifle.
Yeah I know then we can’t go all around killing all our criminals if we do that then we’ll be breaking the law. Then the cops won’t have anything to put back in jail again and run them down all the time. Our criminals are a dying breed we have to protect our criminals. We know that they don’t mean no harm just because dirty skies their faces with hoods so that you can’t recognize even though they’re premeditating and planning to rob someone at gunpoint it’s not their fault. This is the way the United States thinks and our law enforcement they do their job they lock them up but our justice system let them right back out. This is just a game that they play and they love it. I’m ashamed of this country because of its stupidity and they’re so damn ignorant I wanna scream. Your friend Pisces