Home AR-15 5 dead in Cleveland, Texas shooting

5 dead in Cleveland, Texas shooting


Five people are dead after being shot in a Texas home by a suspect armed with AR-15 style rifle.

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  1. How many more of your children need to die before you realise it's a really REALLY DUMB idea to let so many people have unlimited access to seriously dangerous weapons? Here in Australia we feel so much safer, BECAUSE we don't have people with guns everywhere, so IT IS MUCH SAFER! We don't wake up to news stories about a new gun violence rampage every week – your gun loving country does though. How can you not see the correlation there? Why do you gun enthusiasts insist on believing it is some sort of 'sacred right' that untrained everyday people should be allowed to have access to these seriously dangerous weapons? Do your poor innocent children a favour and think people, THINK! PEOPLE with GUNS – KILL PEOPLE! So yeh, guns AND people kill people!! Get it?? It is NOT JUST THE PEOPLE!!!! Those 'people' need guns to kill so easily – take them away – I'm sure that man wouldn't have run through that house stabbing or beating everyone, but he had a gun, it made it too easy for him to snap in a moment of madness and SHOOT and KILL an entire innocent family! I hope you will open your eyes to what is actually happening in your own backyards, literally, and make some meaningful changes soon….no doubt many more innocent lives to be lost in the meantime, so very, very sad.

  2. Another illegal immigrant crime on US soil ……. As we live in reality and not a crimeless society thankfully we still have gun rights to protect ourselves

  3. Here's what you can bet big money on: The shooter is a trump supporter. He's a conservative republican. He's uneducated. He's racist. He's christianist. He's now the hero of right-wing conservatives who think violence against immigrants is totally fine. The shooter's christianist friends support the murder because it wasn't one of them; it was a filthy immigrant who shouldn't be in the US.

  4. Another COWARD shooter! The coward gunman was feeling so empowered cuz he has a gun that he thinks he can just shoot at defenseless innocent civilians including an 8yr old. What would the texas governor and ted cruz say oh i wish those victims have guns including the 8yr old! I can't wait what nonsense excuse these 2 would say this time.

  5. Let me express my inner feelings. USA has issues with guns as everyone knows and let me remind you that the 2ns amendment was created for protecting the right to protect yourself against a government who rebels. Are you serious?? You wanted to arm yourself against a government who rebels against its own people. This stupid law is backfired to you as an American whether you know it or not. Now, every American has a firearm and is ready to kill you. Congratulations!! You have achieved your destiny. Do you know how stupid it is to arm the people? Think about it and go ahead and buy a gun if what I'm saying is wrong. One day maybe someday someone will kill you and with your laws he or she will get away with it.

  6. News 2 is reporting misinformation. I listened to local Cleveland, TX news. The suspect is illegal, and gang member, and deported many times. He has probably headed back to Mexico. Illegal for gang members to own guns, and illegal aliens.

  7. Don't tell your neighbour to stop shooting for they may use their right to bear arms to kill you and your family.

    Silence the second: 1.5 sentences of wizened, twee, and evidently dangerous twaddle left by dead ancestors to visit chaos, terror, trauma, death, and misery upon, and paranoia among, their living descendants. Repeal the second, because among all the other contributing factors of gun violence, the second amendment is the cause of America's outstanding leadership in gun violence among the democracies of this world.

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