Home StreamLight Staccato CS TLR7 Sub Holsters

Staccato CS TLR7 Sub Holsters


Staccato CS TLR7Sub Holsters with and without the @tactical.dev ProLedge are live on our website! Which one would you rock? Let us know down below, hey oh! #qvotactical #staccatocs #proledge

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  1. Just received my CS Moab Camo holster tonight. Awesome looking and feeling holster. As well as the best smelling holster reception ever. Can’t stop sniffing it. Lol. Great work QVO team.

  2. how do you release your slide with that proledge on there? it works well for the macro but covers the slide release on CS. Do you have to remove the light to release the slide?

  3. I’m from Hawaii and I saw this “aloha camo” pattern once that I absolutely loved. If you guys carried that I would never look anywhere else for a holster

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