Home AR-15 Evolution of the AK – How to AR-15 Your AK

Evolution of the AK – How to AR-15 Your AK


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Today we look at the modern AK, which packs many of the features that draws us to the AR-15. So if you can AR-15 your AK……do it.

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  1. My biggest problem back in the day was the length of pull. As a bigger guy, shooting my ak wasn't very fun. That being said I bought mine at a Dunhams for $325. That's how long ago that was lol. New products have definitely brought these rifles back into relevance.

  2. I'm a total AK nerd, since about 2003 because ammo was so cheap and plentiful, it made training cheap.
    Got into ARs in 2004 when the AWB died a horrible agonizing death, just as all AWBs should.

    I've got quite a few of both, and I love both systems. RD makes some great AKs, as does Krebs Custom, Joe Firearms, Meridian Defense, M-13 Industries, Occam Defense, and Dissident Arms.
    If you want a modular quality AK out of the box, but an IWI Galil ACE.

  3. Bro, running AKs is like driving a manual car. It’s just talks to you and tells you what you’re doing wrong thus helping you develop your form. It’s more rewarding to master an AK than an AR. An AK is like tha fine ass chick with a bomb ass than ain’t afraid to get down and eat McDonald’s from time to time. She’ll always be there for you and you can count on her for anything. She can be all high end and fancy too but when she is dirty and ghetto is when you enjoy her the most…. And that’s why the earth is round Bois!!!

  4. Rifle D is some sweet shiz – tooth decay level sugar love! I am intrigued with the 5.56 AK coming. Giddy up and slap yerself silly – peace out!✌🏼

  5. AK in 5.56/223 you say? Polish Radom makes AK-74 conversion for 5.56 (since Poland is in NATO) called Beryl for the Polish army for decades! These rifles served in Iraaq and Afganistan. And it is imported to the US. Polish WBP Rogów makes AK in 5.56/223 for years. It is imported to US also. RD wants to make these too? Nice, but it is nothing new in the market.

  6. Hard for an AR guy to justify 4 grand on a rifle that they won't use over their AR.

    Hard for an AK guy to justify 4 grand on a rifle that they basically got for $300 and then strapped some zenitco on.

  7. i had slop in my tws gen 3 dust cover i tried two different buttons (what you push into take off dust cove) and ended up having to spot weld on top of the button for the rail to not have slop and retain zero. So far it has good repeatable return to zero after 500rds

  8. As what Jim fuller have said before “Ak are so simple to make, you can one poorly and it will still work just not as good with someone who had the knowledge”

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