Special Thanks to @HoffmanTactical for coming on the channel and sharing his Orcas! Follow him and subscribe!
My Printer:
Filament used for my 3D printed projects:
PSR Merch:
Link to all the gear I use:
Moonlight Industries (chest rig I’m wearing) 10% off: “PRINT”
Affiliate disclaimer: I earn a commission from the above links.
00:00 Intro
01:18 Imposter
02:52 KAK
03:36 About Hoffman Tactical
04:24 The Orca Project
09:22 Materials Used
11:57 First Shots
15:04 Super Safety
16:44 Shooting Reactive Targets
17:43 Long Distance Accuracy
19:38 Conclusions
20:37 Outro

UN is scared of this rifle and wants to ban it. This is not even a joke, just sad reality
So, not considering the possibility, just putting up a theoretical…
What would be cheaper? Buying a 'creative machine' or buying a 'living orca'?
I love me a thicc AR
Its a lie guys internals and barrel isn't "plastic"
Not to be that guy, but if it was fully plastic the inside chamber would be melted from the rounds going off, so all in all, this is just clickbait. But I like the style.
I'd like to see the dude who shoots ar's till they're at boiling temperatures try it on this gun lmao
Yo where do you get this fire music from for the intros? Can you drop the link to that as well?
PSR you need to do a patrion video series for all the stuff you cant show or say in the video like p******g
The intro goes so hard. like always.
Absolutely Gorgeous!
Would a 308 Orca be called "The White Whale"?
destiny autorifles be like
quick question, why they muting 'printing'? Legal thing?
Waiting for Some human waste of space to ruin these printed guns for everyone by making the news with one of these rifles. ATF is gonna lose it when that news feed rolls.
The owner of Moonlight Industries. Who makes the chest rig you wear, got a visit from two ATF agents, over FRT triggers. Just thought you’d like to know.
"Full 100% plastic" yeah, no.
That’s one spicy piece of plastic
Link for super safety?
Guys, can this really be built on a v2?
Amazing! I need to get me one of those super safeties too! It would make me sleep better at night knowing my barrel won't get dangerously cold!
I’d buy that mfker rn
Nicely thought out and built. o7
It's probably one of the first times I've been fully impressed with a build of this type.
M&P 15-22 says hello
Free Willy
1:03 yall think eugene stoner could get along with that rounded side profile lmao love it
now paint it like a holstein and call it the cow gun lol
How does he get these machine guns?
Now we need a colab between the two mask boys. Administrative Results and PSR would be glorious.
The hose clamps are kino.
Glad the Super Safety is there. gets all those bullets out as fast as they can .
Tactical Cabbie hat is something I never would've imagined
This is totally not like vine-glo, during the prohibition. it is a grape concentrate with instructions on how not to make wine “because that is illegal and immoral.”
I could tell you were shaking from excitement
This videos a goner
So where can I get these files
Start printing .300win mag AR and use ar10 bolt-carrier. See if it blows up lol
Why does the handguard have a slanted pic rail on top? It looks like it wouldn’t properly accept a mount
The fact it's called an orca make it look cute
This kid was definitely homeschooled!