Home AR-15 Texas community mourns 5 people gunned down with AR-15-style rifle as manhunt...

Texas community mourns 5 people gunned down with AR-15-style rifle as manhunt continues #shorts


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  1. I’m speaking to the comments made by ppl who choose to live in an alternate reality by burying their heads in the sand & believe the one & only reason for this tragedy that caused the deaths of 5 innocent ppl has nothing to do with the killer using a GUN, believing instead the blame belongs & is the fault of Biden or a border policy or the sheriff or just ANY reason at all in order to avoid admitting that an AR 15 military weapon was involved & was used & is THE actual reason that innocent ppl die! Their early & tragically unnecessary deaths did NOT happen because of Biden, a policy, a sheriff – IT WAS A BULLET THAT LAID THEM TO REST- which came from a GUN – not a gun to hunt game, not a gun for personal protection- NO, this was a gun designed for use by our military service when engaged in WARTIME when only old white men have declared our country must participate in. USE YOUR OWN BRAIN FOR ONCE!

  2. In Texas hearing gun shots is apparently so normal that cops never bothered to check on this guy who had the habit of shooting guns on his property, even in the middle of the night.

  3. Instead of emphasizing the "AR-15" style rifle. Why won't the media touch on the fact that this guy was an illegal alien from Mexico that because of the biden administration, was allowed back into the US, (several times mind you) with welcome arms? Let's Go Brandon

  4. The guy had been deported 5 times already.
    Democrats and mainstream media called Trump a racist for wanting to secure our southern border. (I’m a registered Democrat, BTW)
    Trump was right.
    Trump did (or at least tried to do) a better job of protecting our country.
    Weird, our Northern border is very secure — both directions.
    Why not the border with Mexico?

  5. None of them were Americans… Biden's open border has allowed mass millions of disturbed and unvetted foreigners into our country. What Americans should be mourning is our tremendous lack of security and an insane administration that wants to disarm the law-abiding under a criminal onslaught.

  6. Proper title would be: Texas community mourns 5 people gunned down by illegal alien with illegally acquired firearm as manhunt continues. The title as is is propagandist in nature.

  7. They CAN “TRACK” him by the cellphone or car!! They have lots of way to track someone those days.. I’m sure that guy had his cell ph with him… Higher more professional help has to step in

  8. He was defending his country in his mind =Mexico will rise again. What is an AR-style that the company Armalite Rifle or what other companies make rifles or was it the type the CIA or DOJ carries to guard politicians they don't want us to feel safe like them!

  9. STOP right there……why is there no mention of the fact that the assailant is an illegal alien that has been deported multiple times and had no right to be in our Country much less own such a weapon. Therefore, he obtained it….ILLEGALLY. It has nothing to do with the weapon, it is the heart and mind of the criminal that create these situations.

  10. The AR-15 is the new SUV of inanimate objects killing people now. C’mon! It’s the person pulling the trigger! It’s the person with hate in their hearts! It’s the driver behind the wheel…using the knife, the hammer, the baseball bat…THE ROCK. You can’t pass any law that’s going to solve th 0:18 e problem of man’s inhumanity to his fellow man.

  11. So let’s make sure to emphasize “AR-15 style rifle” but not mention the facts that the shooter is in this country illegally, has been deported 4 times in the past and is also a convicted criminal, having served time in U.S. prison. The problem is not what type of weapon he used, the problem is The Government failed to do their duty and prevent this person from being here to commit this crime.

  12. These videos are propaganda. They was a crazy murderer. Why are you emphasizing that it was an AR-15? People do bad things with all kinds of different tools. Liberal news. So manipulative.

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