Washington Gun Law President, William Kirk, discusses the major difference between converting an AR Pistol to a rifle format compared with converting an AR Rifle to pistol format. The former, pistol to rifle, is quite straight forward and does not require any ATF paperwork. The latter, however, will require ATF approval via a Form 1 before assembly can take place. With ATF’s new rule on pistol braces set to drop next month, many are wondering what reconfigurations can one make to their current firearms. Learn all of this and arm yourself with education today.
Applicable Rules:
ATF Rule 2021R-08.
ATF. Converting a Pistol to a Rifle.
ATF. Converting a Rifle to a Pistol.
Other Resources:
Does ATF’s New Rule on Pistol Braces Spell the End of Micro Conversion Kits?
The Case that Could Stop ATF’s Overreach on Pistol Braces.
All the Terrible Choices ATF Will Leave You With For Your Pistol Braces.
Will Removing Your Pistol Brace Make Any Difference With the ATF?
Pistol Brace Amnesty What Does That Really Mean to You?
When is the ATF Introducing Their New Pistol Brace Rule?
Check Out our Bullet Point Series.
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Does the atf form 1 apply for California residents
If I bought an Aero precision m4e1 lower would that be labeled as other, or would it be labeled rifle? Then bought an 11.5 upper. Would that then be legal or is it still illegal ?
AR15 pistols are just the buffer tube now without anything on it, and you can't put a stock on a pistol and be legal, either, until the SCOTUS clears up the mess made by the ATF, and Congress strikes down the NFA.
Can you use pistol brace along with 16 in barrel according to atf ruling?
So is it legal to take the whole pistol lower off and put a 16 in barrel on it.
the rifle to pistol rule is, without a doubt, the absolute dumbest thing i have ever heard come from the ATF–and thats saying something. If i buy just a lower, second hand, and it was a rifle, but i dont know, then its illegal. this kind of BS is why people just build their own rifles now. i actually think this rule will be at the top of my list of "stupid things the government does"
If we turn an ar pistol to a rifle do we have to go to FFL to reregister the ar rifle instead of pistol?
If I weld or pin a muzzle device onto my pistol and make it 16" will I have to register it again?
Whenever I purchased my firearm. I bout it complete from a pawn shop. How would they have filled out the 4733? Whenever you purchase a firearm are they supposed to give you a copy of the 4473? I’m just curious because I have never received one for it. Should of specified what I bought. I purchased a DD PDW and I’m just trying to figure out what I need to do or not to do.
2:50 I just picked up two AR completed receivers from my FFL… i forgot to check how he filled out the paperwork. But I was allowed to take the receivers with me that same day after the background check cleared. Does that mean he did it as "other"?
The ignorance of the ATF is quite remarkable.
Since they are considering an AR pistol a SBR when it has a Brace. I want to use a Pistol Brace on my PCC as a Stock. Does anyone see a problem with that? I have 4 or 5 Braces laying around after taking them off all my AR pistols and my 10 22 pistol. I put straight pistol buffer tube on the ARs. I am pretty adept with the pistols but the brace made it so much more stable.
I’m confused
In my 40+ years I never have filled out any form .
Just a computer back ground from OSBI.
I just went out and purchase AR PISTOL but I'm seriously considering just converting to rifle.
After doing this conversation is it illegal to have in your possession at home the short barrel and stabilizer let's say in a storage box?
Can you leave a pistol brace on a rifle
does the rule apply to AR 15 only? I have a Ruger PC Charger in 9mm with a brace> pistol caliber, made and sold as pistol, with a pistol brace> Am I a felon now by leaving the brace on?
Actually this is the work around if you want to convert a AR-15 rifle into a AR-15 pistol legally.
1. Go and get you a stripped AR-15 lower receiver or a 80% lower.
2. Go and get a barrel that is shorter than 16 in and the appropriate mid length or pistol length gas system.
3. go and get you a AR-15 pistol buffer.
4. Take the inside trigger mechanisms out of the AR-15 rifle lower receiver and put them into the stripped AR-15 pistol lower receiver.
5. Remove the 16-in barrel and apply the barrel that is shorter than 16 in with the appropriate gas block system.
6. Print out a form 060.
7. If you are in a state that requires you to register pistols then register your pistol as homemade utilizing the form 060.
Now you legally have converted your AR-15 rifle into a AR-15 pistol.
This is 100% legal because the serialized lower receiver was sold as ( other) and has never been registered as a rifle.
We all know that stripped lower receivers can be made into rifles or pistols.
This also works for 80% lower receivers if you finish them yourself.
Keep in mind that if you want to register a pistol made from an 80% lower that does not have a serial number on it you will have to make up some serial numbers or send it to a gun shop overnight and they have to serialize it but keep in mind before they give it back to you they're going to have to run a background check.
I suggest you engrave it with serial numbers you make up and it could be as simple as (1 2 3 4 Bobby 223) for example.
I know this to be true because I have done it 11 times in Michigan.
What if the lower is manufactured at home, never serialized? Is it legal then?
Sometime maybe you could give us a run down on Armor legalities. Ya know that whole CHOP thing . . . unsettling. And I've worked several contracts in Kent as a Drafter/Designer. I've never had to pit stop 1/2 way back Everett. My neighbor said he was stuck in the protest on I-5 until like midnight. If your stuck in Traffic your a sitting duck.
I like it! lmao
This video was super helpful distinguishing between an AR pistol and a rifle. Thanks!
I'm hoping this sees SCOTUS
Miller vs us Upheld the nfa law on sbrs because a sawn off shotgun was not a proper militia weapon
But an AR-15 is the modern day Kentucky long rifle (that and the akm but I digress ) there is no more proper militia weapon then an AR-15
No matter how long it is
I'd love to see Miller overturned like roe was
It's ridiculous
Does anyone know if this pertains to AR pistols only, or pistol carbines?
The ATF's, " rules," are idiotic to the point of being an affront to intelligence.
It's easy. Step 1) remove the current upper/barrel; 2) put on new upper/barrel.
The government should have nothing to do with any of this. Can you imagine if they were telling people which church denominations were and were not acceptable or which font sizes were legal for news paper print? If Shall not be infringed means nothing then the rest of the Bill of rights means nothing either.
I understand what you're trying to do here but it's time we all stand up for ourselves as a whole and tell the atf to piss off.
The difference is purely in range. The atf just decided sbr's are "dangerous" with no factual proof to back it up. You can't hide an ar15 in your pants but you can hide a pistol. So why are pistols OK but not ar15 sbr's?
This is why I bought the Springfield Hellion instead of building more AR's. I get the best of both worlds 26-inch length and 16-inch barrel that feels like I'm running an SBR. All while avoiding ATF's BS rule changes every 6 months or so.
people like you are the problem not the solution
I'll let them look at it, oh yes I will
Can u take a pistol and convert it to an firearm/other as being it is a firearm with overall length of more then 26 in but with a brace and short barrel? That way you can add forward grips and not be an AOW and get around brace ruling?
I have purchased several unassembled AR lowers and completed them into various caliber rifles. How can I find out how the lower was registered by the FFL and would I be in trouble if I converted / built one of these lower into an AR pistol? Wouldn't the Lower have been registered/ classified as "other" on Form 4473? How would the ATF know that it wasn't a pistol first. I'm not really sure what to do?
Given a serialized lower, how does one find out if it is registered (even though a federal gun registry is explicitly illegal) as a pistol, rifle, or receiver?
Is the crime the manufacturing of a weapon made from a rifle, or possession of such a weapon (in the case where the weapon was purchased used, for example, equipped as a pistol)?
I will say again. Why arent lawyers and gun lobby groups doing more to stop the AFT from doing this? Why does it seem to me like most citizens are throwing in the towel to complete compliance? This is BS people, its unconstitutional, AFT said for years pistol braced firarms were pistols, they cannot just flip flop and change the definition. They have no constitutional authority to say either way. Its about time we stopped talking compliance because they will just keep doing this with everything as evidenced in the decades of their tactics. Time for lawyers and gun groups to start formulating cases and a defense against this illegally created and unconstitutional law. Also as usual, the NRA doesnt give a rat. Come on GOA and others, stop this BS.
Here’s a likely scenario that I honestly don’t know the answer to.
WHAT IF you were to buy one that started off as a rifle but was changed to a pistol before you bought it? Would you be held liable if you’re not the original purchaser of the firearm and had no knowledge of how it started off? There would ultimately be no proof of which consumer had made the changes wether you or the original owner or even how many hands it had passed through prior to you buying it to begin with.
Idk I make mine SBRs and putdrop in full auto sears so idc. They ain't taking my firearms without a fight lol
This is of course, until they change their mind and make even pistol to rifle configurations illegal too (seeing that happen now). Shouldn’t the rifle/ pistol ruling fall under easy to follow/ interpret aspect of the law? AFT really needs to be gutted to 4 guys in a broom closet.
How can a "rule" be a felony since rules are not laws that are passed by congress? I'm confused!
Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man gainst his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American…. [T]he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people." (Tench Coxe, The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.) That is a quote from one of our founding fathers and bc of Bruen vs NY the historical analysis the Supreme Court now requires in order to implement any gun control I hope that even if they were to get sporting rifles ban through Congress that the Supreme Court would shut it down. Not only Tench Coxe but many of our other founding fathers eluded to there is absolutely no way the American government will ever have the right to disarm the people in their quotations. That is why they left no room for the language to be misinterpreted in the second Amendment. Our right to keep and bare arms is not up for debate and I don't understand how we are still debating over it.
I know this doesn't really apply to the subject, but I asked a Walmart manager why did they get rid of a lot of ammunition they used to carry but still have .22 rim fire. His reply was that they have stopped ordering pistol ammunition. I said, thats kinda stupid considering you can use any ammunition in any caliber for any barrel length and that .22 is very common in rifles as well as pistols. He had no answer….just a stupid look on his face
These rules are so stupid along with and and sbr
If you registered a lower do I at that point declare it a rifle or pistol on the form??? Furthermore if I had a 10” barrel upper Detached from a lower, is that illegal as long as it is not on a lower, is that considered parts?…
This is the dumbest shit ever. Why do we put up with this?????
I've bought lowers, no idea how the gunstore wrote up the paper work.