Home AR-15 An AR weighs as much as 10 moving boxes? #shorts

An AR weighs as much as 10 moving boxes? #shorts


Debunking politicians’ misinformation about guns.

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  1. I get she was very wrong about her gun knowledge, it's still a lethal weapon. I get that you might want a firearm to protect yourself, but I feel like there should be stronger gun restrictions in the US because that makes it easier for these awful people to get hold of a firearm, and kill/injure other people.

  2. Never made sense to me, Democrats kill innocent people like infanticide and starting Wars with no end in sight but they want to take our Second Amendment away?

  3. What the actual fuck is this?😂this is a oxymoron. Look up the history of gun laws in America and you’ll find out why, find out who they were used to oppress and what brave Americans did to counter it.

  4. Who gives a shit. A six year old got shot with an assault rifle like a week ago. A few days ago two women lay on top of traumatized kids, dead, as they tried to protect them from their neighbor with an AR. You cannot tell me owning an AR is worth this. Even if this ignorant individual is blatantly expressing false notions, it does not invalidate the movement for gun protection laws.

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