Bodycam shows key moments from a wild shootout between Texas police and a suspect armed with an AR-15 on March 28. The San Antonio Police Department said officers located 34-year-old Paul Palafox after his vehicle was reported in another nearby shooting. Upon approaching Palafox, he allegedly began rapidly firing his rifle at officers. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie has the full story.
Sierra Gillespie:
#Texas #Bodycam #LawAndCrime
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Wow this cop just ran and left behind all his buddies! He need to learn how to tactically move back as a team! Shame, shame!
Forgot to mention that he was a felon so no gun law would have prevented him from getting that stolen fire arm.
I'm no expert and I have nothing but respect for the people willing to do this crazy dangerous job however… I feel like turning your back towards someone who is shooting at you is a bad idea… Perhaps return fire and retreat tactfully? But whatever, I don't get shot at for a living so what do I know Lol.
What bunch off pussys
That guys a goat starting up to the police
The slow mo of brass casings falling to the ground was 30-06, a caliber not used in this shootout.
Cop said im out hahahahahah
To bad the cops didn't get got.
Scared cops. Military
personal would run towards the shots
Dang another aspiring rapper eats dirt. To bad cos' he was TRYING to get his GED, get a real job, go to college and become a brain surgeon.
The fact that almost anyone can buy one of those guns is pure madness. I feel bad for cops. Tough job going to work every day wondering if you’re going to deal with a psycho with a gun
Good I’m glad the police were safe. Another one off the street and more safe than before
Just give us the video and explain what happened don’t add in video of new unprimed 30-30 brass falling and leave out the import parts of the vidoe
Glad he’s 6ft rk
the cops were right to run a car aint stoppin those large rounds and they will eventually outnumber him and make him waste his ammo at a distance.
An AR15 !!!1!
That Officer is like the best place to be right now is NOT here.
I would just like to make it clear that he had an AR… He had a riffle.
Uvalde anyone? Thought that cop was running to the next state. Unbelievable.
It's people like him is why we have common sense gun laws
To all calling the cops cowards for running to cover come find me . I let you find out what it feels like .
WEF's america
Officer was going to run for help……. in the next town
Great, happy ending!
Regular officers not SWAT with additional protective gear, sent KNOWINGLY to a likely gun fight… suspect involved in shooting at car wash earlier. Is that normal practice? Why no questioning police procedures, work saftey, legally, ethically in video report @LawandCrime ? Is there a large enough quick response SWAT department so police officers, (and public) aren't excessively endangered, correct department sent to correct threat accessed jobs. Is it normal, frequent practice to send regular officers knowingly to these call outs? For this department, statistically or others.