Who doesn’t love a good airsoft grenade launcher because the government says we can’t easily buy real ones. BUT, with a little creative editing this Double Bell Airsoft GP-25 Russian grenade launcher looks real! Mr. federal agent, it’s a toy. Relax.

Who doesn’t love a good airsoft grenade launcher because the government says we can’t easily buy real ones. BUT, with a little creative editing this Double Bell Airsoft GP-25 Russian grenade launcher looks real! Mr. federal agent, it’s a toy. Relax.
Lol that plooptube sound effect
Damn I want one!
Do you need a permit
*has actual grenades
Reppin the Irish DPM
Thats not an akm.
I'm pretty sure you can only have a 37mm launcher. Authorized ammo are flares, noise makers and non-lethals. Any HE or insidinaries are prohibited.
Love the irish DPM shirt
Where can I buy this?
I wish someone would invade my home if I had this. I'll nuke my own house
Grenades don't produce flame
does it work with the pioneer hellpup?
Just know each one of those grenades u have to get a individual 200$ tax stamp, including the year+ waiting time and paperwork for each individual one. And that’s before u factor the price of what the grenades themselves cost
This would be great for home defense
Can't wait until the little morons your country produces decided to bring one of these into a school. Maybe then some of you will understand.
You’re not allowed to use explosive rounds as they’re considered destructive devices by the atf. That’s why he did the fake explosion thing.