The semi-automatic rifle used to kill five people and injure nine at the Louisville bank shooting on Monday will likely be auctioned off and be “back on the streets,” Mayor Craig Greenberg said.
Greenberg — who has called for an end to the gun violence plaguing his city — said current Kentucky law allows guns seized by the police to go to auction, including those used in violent crimes.
“The assault rifle that killed five of our neighbors will one day be auctioned off,” the mayor said Tuesday. “That murder weapon will be back on the streets.”
The Louisville Metro Police Department has revealed shooter Connor Sturgeon, 25, who was shot dead by responding officers, purchased the AR-15 rifle legally from a local gun dealership on April 4.
LMPD Interim Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel added that police have executed a search warrant at Sturgeon’s residence and recovered several items linked to the investigation.
#louisville #connorsturgeon #craiggreenburg
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The fake shooting was 33weeks & 3days before their Governors birthday and 33weeks after their Mayors birthday. Their Governors birthday is November 29th the 333rd day of the year. At 333 East Main Street.
At least be clever about it….
Logically, so will butter knives, baseball bats, scissors, and unusually sharp pencils; but those are not as useful in an armed conflict against an insurgency.
Are you equally upset when cars used in dui accidents are released ?
He/him pronouns need banned, not guns
We’re f*cked Kentucky with idiots like this blaming the gun and not the criminal
another one of gods chosen calling for gun control lol
what a cohencidence
I'll buy the rifle and use it for 2nd amendment self-defense. Hope you're happy now mayor.
He Jewish?
Now that’s enough internet for today…
Ok, it's not about the gun. I hear you folks. But I live in Canada where people are just as crazy, I'm sure. But the difference is we don't have the same access to firearms, and we're not up here shooting in schools and shops and churches every other day.
Ya who cares if some gun store buys it at auction 5 years from now! All it does it make money for the state who cares bro
Blame toxic work environment…
Why don't they put the rifle in jail? It obviously acted on its own, and is incredibly dangerous. More Democrat catch and release policy.
This dude failed his Logic class.
Government greed should concern us all. Those 87,000 new IRS agents for example.
The bigger the schnozz
The bigger the unamerican diatribe
Firearms used in homicides are not auctioned off. Only firearms confiscated that are unable to be returned to their owner due to legal reasons. Firearms used in homicides are kept indefinitely as evidence unless the court orders the firearm to be destroyed.
They continue to blame the gun and not the wacko behind it.
Sounds logical.
That kind of firearm is responsible for 3% of murders.
Bro really turned a moment of sorrow and grief into a political one. Shame on him. If he doesn’t want people getting shot then treat the root cause which is mental illness.
He looks as useless as he sounds.