We the people and our AR-15 rifles are a tyrant’s worst nightmare. The AR-15 is the most modern, versatile and effective defense weapon available today – and Joe knows it. It is the most popular gun to bring to the party for 3 reasons.
1. It is simple to use.
2. It is comfortable to use.
3. It is the most effective to use.
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#2ndAmendment #guns #AR-15Rifle
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So yea, you can own a cannon. A real cannon that shoots real common balls. It's not illegal at all. In fact, I know a guy that has 2 of em right now that are in great working condition.
Love the message, brother! Thank you for using your platform to teach anyone willing to learn more about our God-given right to self preservation.
Thank you so much for the truth!!
God Bless America
About a year and a half ago, the Taliban made a total BITCH out of biden, armed with mostly beat up AK47's. If they could do it, we can do it. In the 60's, a bunch of scrawny viet Cong beat the US government, again with a bunch of beat up AK's and ww2 surplus small arms. If they could do it, we can too.
Love freedom equalizer
Fantastic video as always. Thank you. I have a saying – it's much easier for me to respect someone who has an opposite opinion, if I at least think that they are well informed or intelligent. Otherwise, they are like arguing with drunks or idiots. And I'm sorry to say, the current nursing home resident taking up space at the White House is one of those uninformed idiots that not only do I disagree with, but have zero respect for. We always talk about how much we hate the idea that we might ever actually have to be that fourth check and balance of the government, but I just started thinking… why should we feel guilty about talking about it, when the ones we are talking about are actively trying to destroy our country? When they are the ones that are threatening us with F-15's and nuclear weapons? Anyway, good discussion on the AR, I wish I had another one. I don't particularly like them, or the 5.56; I prefer much bigger rifles with nice big scopes lol, but I do honestly think every American, as part of their responsibility of being in the militia as "We the People" under the Second Amendment, has a duty to own and be comfortable with at least one of them.
How exactly are you supposed to use an AR-15 against a tyrannical government??
Agree 100%.
Cool video thanks. Not sure who’s in charge of Biden but they are a problem.
Amen brother! You are right on.
Well said sir!
You are correct sir. And I won't even try to sugar coat it because it is a effective weapon of war…. And it turns out it's very user friendly with it's adjustable stock and low recoil… Not to mention just a lot of fun too shoot. Making it nearly the perfect weapon to train a young person on or a small statured female who would be sensitive to recoil. I give it an 8 out of 10 of being the perfect home defense weapon for nearly everyone in the family. Therefore there's no wonder why government don't like it… Because let's face it these mfers have lost their damn mind!
Oh yeah!!! FU Joe!
As a former marine, if at anytime I was ever ordered to engage civilians who were revolting against tyranny I probably would have turned around and dealt with the officers giving the orders. I know I’m not alone on that one.
Joey doesn’t realize the gravity of the situation.
Love the stand brother!! Um but gotta ask what’s the stock on that sweet sweet goodness ur holding? God bless

That's Y they want to ban them. They know they would have a real hard time, to try and suppress the "PEOPLE".
always good to be ready for 1776. 2.0.
We the people
A silenced 9mm carbine, with subsonic ammo, a bolt-lock, night vision, night sights, armor, folding stock and having a swift takedown and re-assembly design is much more like what's needed. Dont fight the tyrant's thugs. Go after the tyrants themselves, between their homes and their 'jobs".
#100 like

I like your content
I love the way you say things and what you do sir.
Love how people say "you can't fight the government with a AR-15". When Ukraine pretty much did the same thing.(I know they gave out AK-47 but same principal)
Joe you have secret service that have AR-15 to protect you but that's ok . Your Government won't protect us your slaves joke you want to take this country over and you know you can't with americans. Owning there guns to protect themselfs from your Tyrannical Administration government for thier self defense. Your sick stating you would use F 15 on civilians with nuclear weapons. You show your true colors.
Ak simple for child but ar15 full of switches lmao
Grape poppers.
Just purchased mine! Disabled Vietnam Combat Veteran!
Your government will run away joey. Everything is sick when it comes from you Joey.
Thank you well done!
I’m glad I subscribed you always have solid videos.
Great video except for all the pictures of Biden. I can’t stand to look at him.
Couldn’t agree with you more…it’s good to keep tyrants sweating…
As Vietnamese, we came from communist Vietnam. I can tell you that communism is like an evil mafia.
They take your property, and your life! 2A is the best thing and America saves the whole world; never in history had a country been such a saving grace!
Lol Joe Biden. Who voted for that clown?
Always crystal clear and to to the point. Great upload. As for the BBoys…
Ken Raggio was right two years ago.
If every patriot stood up today and decided to take out the government, it would be done and this nightmare would be over but since the American patriots are pussies, it will never happen. Enjoy your slavery.
I’m not sure if you’re aware but everybody that watches your channel probably have a dozen of these guns we don’t need to know the benefits in the comfort and accessibility because we already know that. Just saying