Home AR-15 What an AR-15 does to the body

What an AR-15 does to the body


Dr. Katrina Green, an emergency physician who has treated victims of gun violence, describes the devastating injuries high-powered weapons like the AR-15 inflict on the human body.

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  1. The gun does nothing but deliver the bullet. Just like judges, emergency physicians should recuse themselves from this discussion, for bias.

  2. Thats any weapons platform lady, ive had ems training too , it has nothing to do with high capacity either…I also am knowledgeable about ballistics , speed, mass, kinetic energy too…stop the smoke blowing lady!!!
    Every projectile leaves a wound cavity due to several factors….it can be from a single shot and do the same damage. I fear knife wounds way more than a gun shot wound.

  3. Americans, specifically right wing republican conservatives, are CHOOSING to sacrifice children in exchange for extremely lose and non existence gun laws. Imagine they pick random children from random schools in this country. Then they line them up on their knees facing the wall, and shoot them in the back of the head. Dont listen to what they say, look at what they do. This is their choice and completely preventable. If they wanted mass executions of children to stop, they would stop it.

  4. We just had a kid planning to kill multiple students in a school in Brazil. The kid killed one teacher before he was stopped. You know why he didn't kill many more? He had a knife instead of a gun. This makes a huge difference on the level of destruction.

  5. Guns do not kill. The person behind the gun kills. Bring back fathers take away the subsidies and gifts from the government to women that incurage women to have babies to get more section 8 families with nooooooo father

  6. Well considering only 300+ gun death are from rifles, out of 30,000, so we're talking about 1% of the gun deaths coming from rifles, ALL RIFLES. This is a liars, IF she's a doctor then most injuries are by Fing handguns NOT long gun. This is BS.

  7. If they want to kill and don’t have a gun. They’ll use something else. All of these kids are the ones you sat in front of a video game and let them lose any sensitivity to what happens when they kill. They don’t care. They live for the day. Not for the future. Raise your kids people. Teach them morals and values. That the only way.

  8. THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Yall want to know what happens to unarmed civilizations? Look no further than Naz! Germany and what they did to the Jewish people. They took away their right to have guns by making a registration for guns and then, when they had come to the point of being willing to move them from their homes, they went around and confiscated those guns because they had been registered. An unarmed people become slaves of the government. An unarmed people has no way to fight off the governmental tyranny that inevitably comes.

  9. All I learn from this comment section, as usual, is that Yankoids are extremely stupid.

    The fascists too stupid to realize banning guns is easy, effective and virtually eliminates all mass shootings.
    Libs too stupid to realize guns are crucial and are the only reason US exists in the first place.

    Yankees share 1 braincell on a tight schedule.
    And the whole "I don't listen to professionals" thing you guys have is just next level oonga boonga stuff.

  10. The is not the problem. It's the person using it. Schools doesn't have highly trained security if ever they have. Police will always come in late. Provide security personnel s.

  11. This is such a BS post about guns. Specially of A.R. 15. Let me tell you what you should be worried about far as guns should be worried about the guns that are owned by criminals not law-abiding citizens the whacked out person that shot up that kids school and kill those teachers Was a far left psycho this school shooting although a tragedy does not trump my Second Amendment rights nor will it deviate or change mind about gun ownership; and btw DOC all those gun shots you see are crime related because gun shots from law abiding citizens leaves corpses

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