Home AR-15 Your Best SOLUTION To The ATF Pistol Brace Ruling FIASCO…

Your Best SOLUTION To The ATF Pistol Brace Ruling FIASCO…


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This video is for educational purposes.

What is the best solution to the ATF Pistol Brace Ruling? Kevin breaks down what he is doing in this video. Do you think this ATF rule will stand or get blocked?

00:00 Intro: Is it a pistol or a short-barreled rifle (SBR)?
00:38 New ATF regulations concerning pistol braces.
01:44 You choose: Compliance or registration?
03:00 Alternative options.
04:12 Clinton’s 1993 ‘assault weapons’ ban.
04:47 What to do with your pistol brace.

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  1. I fired an AR pistol chambered in 300 Blackout at the range without any kind of brace or stock attached, using a two-handed grip like it was literally a large pistol. Didn't have any issue hitting targets while using the red dot optic. I think iron sights might have been a bit more problematic unless I was using the larger rear ring, but it wasn't difficult to shoot that way at all.

  2. The federal government and blue states are hyper active on gun control and registration and data right now because they know their financial Ponzi scheme is coming apart and their coming climate lockdowns and rules are going to destroy our economy and weaken everyone’s standard of living. The only reason the government would want to take your guns is they are afraid you might shoot them for what they are about to do to you.

  3. I don't think just removing the brace makes you compliant. I think the ATF said even if the buffer tube is capable of attaching a brace it is still a SBR. I love how we can just redefine the legal definition of rifles whenever we feel like it.

  4. Republicans rioted on January 6th, 2021 which violated the sanctity of my nation's capital.

    Democrats rioted for an ENTIRE ELECTION YEAR in over 140 INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIES to terrorize and intimidate 110 MILLION INNOCENT AMERICANS who are not REGISTERED DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN DOMESTIC TERRORISTS AND SYMPATHIZERS that caused over 2 BILLION DOLLARS IN DAMAGES that destroyed countless innocent American lives, families and business.

    Democrats and Republicans are political domestic terrorists and sympathizers. They commit and support acts of; rioting, mass shootings and bombings to intimidate the 110 MILLION INNOCENT AMERICANS who are not REGISTERED in their domestic terrorist organizations.

    As an INNOCENT AMERICAN, I refuse to listen or negotiate with these domestic terrorists, I won't let them neuter me so they can make me a victim of their domestic political terrorist war.

    – the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

  5. Read the 1992 SCOTUS U.S. v. Thompson/Center Arms. Put 16" upper on the lower and store everything else. Rule of Lenity was the most significant component of the SCOTUS decision. With a 16" upper you can have a brace or a stock, and it doesn't magically convert what had been a pistol and started life as a pistol permanently into a rifle, contrary to what some FUDDs claim. Thompson/Center still makes the Contender "kit" in a variety of configurations . . . and has a second, similar line, called the "Encore".

  6. If everybody Just said no there would be nothing that the government could do about it they could not lock everybody up and they would not be able to prevent everybody from owning a gun it would effectively stop all gun restriction laws

  7. That’s why I say don’t get me wrong stop voting these old people that’s making millions off us promises everything and give nothing just take take take nuff said need new life in office

  8. I recommend not doing a damn thing or if the seriously wanna play put a regular stock on it, your already a felon .but what I'm not gonna do is give them my guns

  9. The language of the 293 page final rule for pistol braces specifically states as a stand alone feature that even WITHOUT a pistol brace, if your pistol is of the similar weight to a similarly configured rifle, your pistol is an SBR. Be warned.

  10. ATF made a rule….last time I checked, rules don't circumvent laws or the Constitution….if my local sheriff decides to make a rule that he doesn't like yellow cars, are yellow cars now illegal??…🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤔🤔

  11. Everyone is a law abiding citizen until they are convicted of a crime. You know, “innocent until proven guilty” and what not.

    Law abiding citizens are the ones committing school shootings with legally purchased weapons. School shootings are on the rise, and this puts pressure on government agencies. Cut them some slack while they figure it out.

    If you want to help keep gun ownership and gun rights from being taken away then do more to assist in the expansion of mental health support and access. In Texas for example, the difference between an angry person and an angry person with a gun is a 10-15 minute wait at dicks sporting goods or academy.

  12. I went with registering it for free so I can buy a new ar pistol when this ban gets held unconstitutional under Bruen. Why choose? Get both an AR pistol and sbr 😊

  13. If adding a brace makes it an SBR, then really it was an SBR the whole time. You didn't change the effective range, firepower, capacity, rate of fire, etc. It was already concealable as much as possible when it was built. I'm waiting for an injunction or court ruling to effectively halt the ATF, and then I'll buy a brace.

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