Home AR-15 The Truth About The Nashville Christian School Shooting Why Gun Control Wouldn't...

The Truth About The Nashville Christian School Shooting Why Gun Control Wouldn't Have Stopped It


Nashville Nashville Covenant School shooting

As is the case when shootings like this happen, there is a bunch of talk about passing gun laws so this doesn’t happen again. But the media figures, celebrities, and even regular people who say this never stop to ask, what gun control would have prevented this?

Background checks? No
What about raising the age to purchase a gun? No
What about a ban on so-called high-capacity magazines? No

Now let’s talk about banning so-called assault weapons.

If the logic is mass shooters use AR-15s, so let’s ban AR-15s, why isn’t that the same logic we use for handguns? It’s not a secret, “Handguns are the most common weapon type used in mass shootings in the United States, with a total of 161 different handguns being used in 111 incidents between 1982 and March 2023.”

The most deadly school shooting in US history was at Virginia Tech University, where the shooter killed 32 people and injured 17, and he only used handguns.

Now, I’m not saying the AR-15 is not a formidable weapon. It very much is, which is why we want them. It’s the same reason the police used an AR-15 to stop the shooter, and they didn’t use limited-capacity magazines.

As deadly as an AR-15 can be in the hands of a mass shooter, it can also be just as effective at saving lives in the hands of law-abiding citizens.

I have a whole series on my YouTube channel called “Defensive Gun Use,” where law-abiding citizens use AR-15s all the time to save lives.

Unfortunately, six people lost their lives, but I assure you it could have been much worse. But no one wants to ask that question. Why wasn’t it much worse?

The reason they don’t ask this question is that they know the answer, and it has nothing to do with gun laws.

It wasn’t much worse because of the police officers’ efficient response and the lockdown system that the school had in place.

So when the shooter shot his way into the school, he couldn’t find anyone to shoot.

You can see him in the video looking for people and seeing little to no one.

This gave the police precious time to get into the school and confront the shooter before he could kill any more people. That’s what we call hardening our schools, i.e., making our schools an unattractive target to mass shooters because they’re too hard to attack.

What don’t we understand about this? We know these people are looking for an easy target so they can kill as many people as possible in a short period of time. So they’re not going to choose a hard target where they’ll have to, forgive my term of phrase, work hard for each and every kill.

These shooters literally wrote in their manifesto that there was another target, but it was too secure, so they chose this school because, from their perspective, it was a much easier target.

Stop letting these politicians and brainless celebrities play on your emotions to accomplish their agenda. It’s clear as day that our schools are soft targets, and it doesn’t take a degree in quantum physics to know that when you have a soft target, the first thing you do is harden that target, ESPECIALLY when the target is filled with Children!

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  1. Thank you Colian for your thoughtful approach to these terrible events. It’s not the guns or the size of the magazine. I have 2 beautiful granddaughters and want them to be safe in their schools. If they are with me I will do what I can to protect them and would take the bullet or take my stand. Harden the schools with armed guards and an effective plan to make the crazies never want to take the risk.

  2. Before they took the Ten Comandments and Bible study out of the schools, there were no such shootings. It looks as if the absence of Security is by design, for the very purpose of more gun control. All other public institutions are protected by armed security.

  3. Rifles and shotguns are allowed to be purchased by anyone over 18 and be carried without a permit but there are restrictions. Firearms are not permitted "if it is not concealed on or about the person and must be unloaded" and the owner is not allowed to carry the ammunition of those long guns on their person or in their "immediate vicinity," according to the law. Guns are prohibited for residents who have a felony conviction, a DUI conviction, reported mental health problems and undocumented legal status. she was under doctors care as a mental case… During testimony in 2021, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation senior policy adviser Jimmy Musice said the state's previous handgun permit system helped prevent roughly 5,500 people from carrying a weapon after the checks determined they were ineligible. Tennessee state’s policies: eliminated the carry permitting requirement, allowing nearly anyone in the state to carry loaded firearms in public, concealed or open, without a background check, permit, or safety training. All of these things SHOULD WORK. It's the people advocating against them being taken away that make you believe the other side just wants to "TAKE THEM AWAY" when i bet 80% of people would be content with stricter control as to who can get their hands on a gun.

  4. I'm with you brother. 100%.
    Background checks need to be studied. I collect cowboy guns and buy frequently. I by them at gun shops, go through the proper Background checks. How good are our current Background checks?
    If an individual is taking anti psychotic medication but says no on the application, does the investigating agency have this individuals personal medical files to reject this sale?
    This shooter was a 28 year old, transgender woman with a history of psychological problems. Yet she legally purchased multiple weapons. How did she pass the Background test?
    I am against gun control. But I am for preventing individuals with psychological problems from owning weapons.
    I salute these police officers for their professional handling and quick response to this situation.
    I can only say that am so sorry for the lose of lives. I am a father. This would anger and devastate me.

  5. As a parent of a school age child, id breathe easier with a teacher or security officer with a ccw to confront anyone trying to do harm to children!! I remember in chicago they has squad cars outside of the school during school ours then they took them out!! What logic is that?

  6. Well, the shooter was receiving therapy for their mental illness and who is very likely on psych meds. Which means they possibly lied on the background check. I think they ask if you’ve been treated for mental illness. 🤔

    The other thing they’re gonna lie about, they’re going to say they use an A.R. 15 but in the video they were carrying the Caltech sub 2009 mm. They didn’t actually shoot. They are 15 for the Smith and Wesson from what you see in the video they were just carrying it. 🤔

    Some other things of notes:
    There was an activist who got on TV, an anti-gun activist, who is also another shooting in another state. The odds of that happening or less than the odds of getting struck by lightning in two different states two different times. That should make people question all of this. Then, of course are the pictures of the killers body after they were shot wearing shoes with flames on the side but through the entire video or wearing black and white shoes . So the conspiracy guys are all over this as well. But once again, everybody’s trying to hide the fact that it was a DemocRat shooter like pretty much all of them are, what they aren’t is a bunch of conservatives are Trump supporters like everybody says, mass shooters over the last 20 or 30 years. I’ve been pretty much all Democrats or non-political people that are severely mentally ill. Now all of a sudden the FBI has confiscated the manifesto and are saying that they’re having their experts go through it and might release it. I guess we’ll see but it is pretty sketchy.

    Pray for the families. I have friends that were familiar with one of the victims families, and the victims were real with her without the politics in it and those families could use our prayers. :/

  7. JFK tragedy – Beefed up security for the president
    9/11 tragedy – Beefed up airport security

    Nothing has happened since then.

    Name any school shooting, what happened after? Nothing…. No security

  8. 2 points:
    1) We spent 75 billion American $ on Ukraine. What was the majority of that money spent on? Giving arms and ammunition to a war torn people? Huh, almost as if the government knows that weapons in the right hands matters…..
    2) All this money spent on another country (not saying we shouldn't be) but maybe look to our own crisis first and think maybe that American $ should go toward metal detectors in EVERY school and funding for immediate armed response teams on site? Obviously this made a difference in the target choice, as seems to be a running theme…. Praying for the torn families and hope at some point it turns into a cry for actual change. ❤

  9. The Biden Administration cannot advocate for hardening schools against murderers because that would be giving in to the gun manufacturers, the pro-second amendment law-abiding gun owners and the constitutionalists. Meanwhile people are dying.

  10. Great point as usual Colion. 75 billion would pay for a shit load of security for our kids and we all know it. It’s crazy that this isn’t our first priority. Keep up the good fight brother.

  11. I wasn't born in Mexico but I've lived there for a few years and my entire family is from mexico and does currently live there except for my mom. Mexico has had extremely strict gun laws for years where it was completely outlawed except for in a few situations which were mostly things like farmers having to fend off coyotes. What that meant is the only people running around with guns are cartels and they don't exactly care what the law says. People can say guns have to be banned all they want. That wouldn't stop the news stories of entire families left bleeding out in the street as a message

  12. Part of the problem with your argument is that the majority of mass shootings happen with a semi or automatic and doesn't take this into account. Yes handguns account for the most amount of shootings but it has to start limiting it somewhere till enough is enough. I've about got to the point of saying pro gun advocates care more about their so called rights that are not God given to own guns than those that end up victims and emotion and logic and politics should all play a part in solving it. It's going to be inevitable there are mass shootings to the frequency there is until reality sinks in. The NRA is not a good organisation, most of their points have already been debunked.

  13. The only way stop bad people with guns or whatever they choose to kill with is good guys with gun.
    Want to fix this , fix the people that do it.

    Fix Families help people with mental illness. Allow teachers that desire to carry a firearm to train and carry a firearm and then post to find outside if they’re carrying a firearm no longer a soft target. Only reason I carry a firearm is I choose not to be a victim.

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