Home CMMG Schmeisser SP-15 Straight-Pull AR-15 .223 Rem with CMMG .22lr Ciener-type Conversion Kit

Schmeisser SP-15 Straight-Pull AR-15 .223 Rem with CMMG .22lr Ciener-type Conversion Kit


So what we’re looking at here is, if we put a CMMG .22 Ciener-type conversion set in a straight-pull Schmeisser SP-15 (with no gas, so not semi-auto), what is the difference in point of impact, of grouping capacity, and when we put it back to .223, will we have problems with extraction due to all the kak that the .22 set will deposit in the chamber and throat?

Let’s find out!

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  1. PSA has the cmmg kit with 3 mags on clearance for $170 usd right now. I think I might get one. I'm curious if the Aguila 60gr sniper subsonic would function and shoot accurately in the ar barrel. They run in my marlin 60, but the breech pop is loud.

  2. I did something similar and got similar results. I have a dedicated “M16A22”, but I found that it really needs a free float tube if one wishes to shoot well with a sling. While that was on order, I went to a Project Appleseed Rimfire Known Distance class (half sized D silhouettes out to 200 yards) My primary rifle had a problem with the sights (some nitwit reassembled it with a part upside down 🙊) so I swapped the barrel collar in the CMMG kit for a chamber insert, and put it in my WWSD(ish) rifle I had brought as a backup. Did pretty well for a 4MOA standard course, the only embuggerance experienced was trying to figure out .22LR holds on an ACOG reticle meant for 5.56.

    A few weeks later I brought the same rifle and conversion kit with a more appropriate scope to an NRL22 match. Didn’t do too well, but I hit all the 4MOA targets 😆

  3. I have the 22 rim fire conversion and mine runs trouble free in a Smith and Wesson M&P 15. Also, in California, being a rim fire, it removes the rifle from the assault weapon ban, no matter how many other evil features
    the rifle has. The moment you enter Nevada or Arizona you can swap bolts, just make sure you swap back before returning to California..

  4. What you have done is even more critical in Germany. You converted a bolt action rifle into a semi automatic, without tools and only legal parts. Any German gun regulator would be outraged.
    Well done 😀
    Best wishes from Germany

  5. The BHO followers in those magazines reduce their capacity. Those are 25 round magazines so they max out at 23. I have always found them wonky when topped off. 20 rounds is likely the most they will load with no issues. Interesting that rimfire conversion works in the SP-15. TBH a good, accurate .22lr bolt gun tickles my fancy considerably more. Love my CZ 452.

  6. I get light strikes on my (dedicated) CMMG conversions, rimfire just seems to need more of a whack, I did fit a Wolff extra power hammer spring to a 15-22 I had, the hammer broke not long after I sold it though!

  7. Thanks for another interesting video. I and one of my pals own a Bremmer .22LR AR15 each and regarding the light strike issue common to .22LR conversion kits, one factor seems to be the shape of the front end of the firing pin. Mine is a heavily used example where the outer corner of the flat end of the firing pin has been peened down by thousands of impacts on the chamber rim leaving a prominent inboard section of the firing pin point that nicely strikes the primer compound slightly inside the rim without wasting energy on the outer folded (solid) brass part of the brass cartridge case rim. It does not suffer from light strikes. My pal's Bremmer is less heavily used and the front outer corner of the firing pin has not been peened, which causes light strikes as some of the firing pin energy is wasted on the folded part of the brass cartridge case rim which is essentially uncompressable, leaving less energy to strike the primer compound. So you may find over time the peening of the firing pin point solves light strikes or you could use a needle file to lightly reprofile the firing point end to shift the point of impact slightly inwards towards the centreline of the cartridge.

  8. I've got that same prism with the corresponding magnifier. It was a bit finicky to get the focus on both the prsim and the magnifier to agree with each other, but ita definitely possible. You won't beable to use the cantilever mount afaik.

  9. 5:28 normal for 22lr is 1/16"
    You could get an old M16a1 or old 1/16 twist 223 barrel, since you're shooting 55 grain and it shouldn't really kill accuracy.. on the 223 front
    On the 22lr who knows

    Or am I being stupidly wrong in that?

  10. Grab a rekluse trigger and check out the "better-mag" with s&w Mags for true last round hold open. Makes reps and training way cheaper. Also those cmmg mags are very unreliable in my experience. I have one of the 3 it came with that always ftf

  11. Personally all my .223 barrels have a 1:7 twist, so I ended up just putting together a whole dedicated.22 upper. This means I could also put together a bufferless lower with a folding stock, and could go the other way and get something like a brn 180 or mcx upper.

  12. I enjoyed the video Bloke, also have a straight pull and the conversion kit has interested me. I do like the cocking or charging handle on the Schmeisser, sometimes with reloads a little extra force is needed.

  13. Nice – this video answers a question I always wondered! I have an SP-15 too (in UK), and wondered if a CMMG kit would work in it. Now I know – thank you so much! 😄 maybe another ticket variation is due soon….

  14. You wouldn't even need a licence for that in Austria. Just go to the gun shop, buy the gun, they do a background check and you pick the gun up three days later, very similar to the USA.

  15. So if your one of those guys who doesn't clean your firearm after each range session, shoot a couple 223/556 rounds before leaving the range dur to fouling and gunk. (Never understood the, don't clean it til it fails mentality.)

  16. I know it's a faff to load your own but you might find tighter groups.not for plinking but might give you the edge when running at a competitive shoot where points mean prizes (if you don't have the patience get chap involved as he seems to like fiddling about in his man cave making and improving stuff ) !😁

  17. Really strange to me that these straight pull ar15s don't show up in Australia, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be legal in Victoria, I know some of the other states have some odd laws regarding straight pulls.

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