#ChrisTV #GHGHUSSLE #RealRamboJay
@GHGHussle @Realrambojay
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Deisel burns longer than regular gas
Love my AKs but for accuracy, I’m going with my AR…. I’ll compensate by running .300 blackout.
Ak Chris

I like ar but I’m ak guy yea ak 556 is just as good and good recoil
100K on the way
The AR is America's gun. Don't need no stinking ak.
Nice video Chris.
It’s about shot placement more so then it is the caliber’s “Knockdown power/stopping power”
Y’all made Rambo J put that car up and and get a truck I see
AR all day but leaning towards budget ak just magpul fold stock/Vert grip/20rd starters for
till braced 11.5/10.5 is cool again
but 12.5 is
of shortys in AR/AK keep softy’s in SBRs for defense tape coordinate mags for situations 

, and always matte
your irons (•)/|^| layers of white on leads color to preference(neon orange/green
) and white dot the tip of the post and matte sealer like a constant eotech
no RD fast close
100k CHRIS
Either one is fine..
I think it comes down to whatever you train with more. Each has their strengths and weaknesses. I agree with GHG Hussle on this one. AKs > ARs. You could be more accurate with ARs with faster follow up shots but if you had an AK in 5.45 you can do the same

Rambo Jay finally got a truck too huh
Y'all sabotage the platform y'all don't like when y'all shooting
I'm joking. You're always going to shoot better with what you train with.
This video got my heart rate up. Excited for the next one. Gonna pay for my xmacro tomorrow.
I’m a Ar guy but I’m going with that ak all day long. Look at the countries that aks are used. They can be put thru hell and still perform.
Ar in 300aac is the way my brudda,7.62 but light af,versatile at the sw of a mag also
Choosing the AK if I’m honest. Robust, ergonomic, and reliable which is everything you could ever need out of a rifle. There’s too many variables to consider when running an AR. By no means am I saying an AR isn’t capable of that, but with the AK platform you know that shit is going to run to spec in even the worst scenarios.

Tbh ya video presentation and execution is lowkey one of the best n this section of YouTube.
PS.. enroll in AK Academy ASAP

I just bought a Serbian chop what y’all think
Another banger thank God my boy Rambo jay is ok peace GHG what up OB TEAM TAKEOVER
I own an Ar15 and love the platform, I recently rented a AK last time I went to the range and man, I fell in love
definitely adding an AK to my collection 
I like when you guys do rifle drills
GHG is right. Shit hits the fan, there are more ARs than AKs. This is America.
Team Ar10
Tyson still put that man to sleep
You guys should try 556 chambered AK platforms. Ak’s are known to be very reliable. It’s a big debate I know, but it’s really all up to the shooter. I’ve heard arguments stating the BCG of the AR-15 will have more problems going back into battery with dirt getting inside dust cover if you don’t close it in real life hit the ground scenarios. I’ve heard the 556 platforms shine in a Arsenal variant, PSA AK 102, Zpap 85, and the Mini Jack chambered in 556 (even though it’s over gassed allegedly.)
I'm half and half on the situation

what about a 5.56 AK???? lmao
I think both are needed now days

Safety manipulation while moving needs work
I can’t say since I only own a ar15 I was recently looking at getting Aks and held a few different ones and was not impressed so decided not to get one
good people
I'm a Ak & AR type of dude I have both good for different types of situations.
Tell that man GHG I need the video of the new suppressor ik he made one
A comment
Like "The Reaper" said, AR for when Im coming to get you at night, AK for when SHTF
Can’t beat the reliability of an AK
Another downside is ammo availability
Yall should do a 300 blackout vs an AK next. The rounds are more comparable. Ghg won't have an excuse of "knockdown power" then
AR-15. Rifle length 16 inch barrel In 300 AAC. Is an ideal general purpose rifle .. It can change weapon type. From clandestine operation running subsonic ammo to regular infantry rifle similar to a 7.62×39 but a lot flatter shooting .. with Just a magazine change. Ak is less precise less accurate but also a little lower maintenance
Real brotherhood right here! I love how y’all have fun, act a fool but most importantly always stay safe and professional