Home AR-15 Lawmaker challenged Biden on his AR-15 in 2020. See his response today...

Lawmaker challenged Biden on his AR-15 in 2020. See his response today when CNN rolled the tape


Following a shooting at a school in Nashville that killed six, Colorado Republican Rep. Ken Buck reacts to a video he made in 2020 challenging Joe Biden to take away his AR-15. #CNN #News

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  1. Then why is it that when Democrats try to put a plan together for mental health care, Republicans keep voting against it? Republicans keep saying there's a mental health crisis, yet won't do anything to address it. The reason is they don't want to agree with Democrats on anything, even if it's for the good of the people. They just can't get themselves to agree, and work with Democrats. That clip of this guy taking his AR-15 off the wall and telling Biden to come and take it, makes him look like a complete a-hole. This is typical for Republicans.

    As far as Biden addressing the issues at the border, it's being addressed. There has been no changes from when Trump was in office at the boarder other than many more people are being caught and arrested now that Biden has been in office. Unlike when Trump was in office, people were just getting through, and Republicans didn't say anything about it. Many more have been arrested which means he's doing his job. So stop talking about the border crisis. That's just another political stunt Republicans like to use that have no truth to it like pretty much everything they say.

  2. This "lawmaker" apparently doesn't care about children, at least when they are torn apart by this gun he is in love with. Also, his changing of the subject, or deflection, is very telling, and aggravating honestly. Maybe if he was looking at one of his children, if he has any children, laying in a morgue torn apart by an AR 15, maybe he might change his mind. A big maybe.

  3. Does it really matter how many stores she shopped at? Violent people wiill find weapons. Attacking one specific weapon simply obfuscates the real problem, which is violence. Violence is a mental problem, not a mechanical one. Our society is crumbling from within. We need to address the real problem. We are being brainwashed by social media into thinking it's OK to be violent to each other. This must be stopped. That's only the worst one though.

  4. The mental health issue is right in front of us: Rep Ken Buck is mentally-deficient and he's unable to think logically or accept the obvious. His serious mental illness renders him unfit to serve his constituents and he should be removed immediately.

  5. I want to help you, Reprsentative Buck. Clinton's e-mails, Hunter Bidens Laptop, Disney, drag queens, falsely imprisoned insurectionists, smoking in the Capital, Mr. potato head, books, abortions, the border, oops, sorry, you mentioned that already. Guns killlling little kids?? Not even close to being an your radar.
    What is wrong with people in this country that they continue to vote for this sorry excuse for a representative much less a human? And don't even get me started on this complete failing of Christianity, which appears to be past life support and sliding into a coffin at this point.
    It's no wonder this party hates tic-toc. It has been very successful in engaging young people into participating in our Democracy. We may see a future absent from the conservative party, and they will have done it to themselves.

  6. I want to help you, Reprsentative Buck. Clinton's e-mails, Hunter Bidens Laptop, Disney, drag queens, falsely imprisoned insurectionists, smoking in the Capital, Mr. potato head, books, abortions, the border, oops, sorry, you mentioned that already. Guns killlling little kids?? Not even close to being an your radar.
    What is wrong with people in this country that they continue to vote for this sorry excuse for a representative much less a human? And don't even get me started on this complete failing of Christianity, which appears to be past life support and sliding into a coffin at this point.
    It's no wonder this party hates tic-toc. It has been very successful in engaging young people into participating in our Democracy. We may see a future absent from the conservative party, and they will have done it to themselves.

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