Home AR-15 Folding AR15? What voodoo is this?

Folding AR15? What voodoo is this?


The FoldAR is a folding AR15 made by FoldAR the company.

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  1. I have been scouring for an actual range review of a FoldAR. Please enlighten us! The double folder is even smaller but if they shoot like shit then they're just expensive paperweights

  2. Just a weak point. Give it to Rob ski and let him put it to the test. He will try some push-ups on it or hang it from the tree and do pull-ups see what it's really made of

  3. For when you simply can't……find a larger bag?
    …..need to kid on you're lean the assassin?

    Just don't see a use for it. And it's not like it's difficult to take the upper from the lower on a normal AR to make it fit in a smaller bag. Or, again, buy a bigger bag.

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