Home CMMG Can a GUN FAIL without the GUN FAILING??? The CMMG Dissent MK57...

Can a GUN FAIL without the GUN FAILING??? The CMMG Dissent MK57 | FULL REVIEW


Can a Gun Fail without it being the Guns Fault? Time for another Full Review video, this time we have the CMMG Dissent MK57. Let’s take a look at all the unique features this little beast has to offer.

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Targets being used: Infinity Targets

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  1. On the one hand, I am glad Pro-mag makes magazines for basically every firearm…ever.

    On the other hand… they are all garbage and Ill never buy one.

    On the other other hand, they still managed to make a better magazine than Glock for the G44.

  2. Not being able to flip the charging handle and having to purchase a separate one for 60 bucks means I'm never buying A CMMG product ever Cause they obviously don't care about southpaws

  3. Duke Nukem 3D.
    I'm a bit peeved at CMMG, bc my Banshee MkGs 9mm starts smashing "ejected" brass into a newly fed cartridge – instead of actually ejecting the spent brass. …Apparently my suppressed banshee (& others) has a crappy ejector spring that wears out at the 800 round count. When my 147g casings do eject, they're going out at the 1 O'clock to 3 O'clock positions, which seems wrong. I just bought the 1, 2 & 3 ounce buffer weights to see if that does anything, otherwise I'll just get a new ejector spring.

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