Home CMMG How to install the Lightning Handguard from Coda Evolution

How to install the Lightning Handguard from Coda Evolution


Follow along with this install video to learn how to install a Coda Evolution Lightning Carbon Fiber handguard at home.

Installation with proper tools will take 20-60 minutes depending on your comfort level.

Check out the Coda Evolution handguard here:

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  1. If you cant get the sleeve to come off the trunnion, first get a wooden closet or curtain rod and see if it will tap out, if that doesn't work turn a can of dust off upside down and spray the trunnion with the whole can of liquid, the cold will shrink the metal and make it easier to slide the cover off.

  2. Just installed and I have a bit of a gap between the handguard and the receiver compared to what I'm seeing at the end of the video. Did I not push the trunnion forward enough, or is their supposed to be a gap?

    Edit: Welp, i tried to see if I could reset the handguard to set more flush against receiver, and the button screws heads are about the cheapest I've ever dealt with. i installed the button screws as directed with a torque screwdriver during initial install. It looks like one head is completely stripped and stuck, so went ahead and reinstalled the other seven and 5 of them now have warped heads as well. Pretty disappointed that these are so cheap for a $200plus handguard. I'll be calling this week to see if you guys can send me a new set of screws. Pretty pissed I now have to drill these out if I want to reset the handguard. Have never had an issue with just one reinstall using multiple handguards over the years.

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