In todays Minute of Accuracy, we very quickly go over the process of bore-sighting your rifle, and zeroing the scope. As narrated by Alvin of the Chipmunks.
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They should make cartoons about gun safety
Newbie here. When you say 1.5mils left and 2.6mils low, did you make your adjustments 15 clicks and 26 clicks on your turret?
How many distance target with barrol
Before doing this, Do your scope turrets have to start all the way at the bottom out for both windage and elevation?
Why are you adjusting from the bullseye back to the bullet? Shouldn’t you go from the first shot back the bull’s-eye? I’m siting in my scope for the first time and I want to be sure I get this right. Thanks
I’m only gettting 3 click left on my windage turret
Where’s your dad?
What scope are you using
What if ur scope doesn’t have the numbers
Bang bang bang…..That was me I pulled
How far is the target?
Life hack
Theres always a flier
ㅋㅋㅋ 땡 땡 땡
Thanks Alvin
LOL, thanks for the bang bang lesson.
Beautiful.. IMa share the heck out of this.