On Wednesday, the New Hampshire House held floor votes on more anti-gun bills. Thanks to the strong support of NRA members and Second Amendment supporters, the bills were defeated and will not move forward this session. NRA-ILA would like to thank all Representatives who defended the Second Amendment for law-abiding citizens in the Granite State.
House Bill 351 is a so-called “safe-storage bill” aimed at implementing a top-down government mandate telling you how to store your firearms. While we support storing firearms in a responsible manner, we do not support top-down, one-size-fits-all government mandates. As NRA’s safety materials explain, “Many factors must be considered when deciding where and how to store guns. A person’s particular situation will be a major part of the consideration.”
Again, thank you to NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters who contacted their State Representatives in strong opposition to these anti-gun bills.
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