Quick unboxing of the Radical Firearms FR-15 5.56 SOCOM with RPR MLOK RAIL! Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more content!!

Quick unboxing of the Radical Firearms FR-15 5.56 SOCOM with RPR MLOK RAIL! Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more content!!
I got the best price out of everyone free won it from Gallery of Guns
Nice, I just purchased mine tonite
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Smokin' deal, man. The store I work in carries the super basic RF15, and they list for 650, and they go for 550 on sale.
Just bought one from KY myself yesterday.
You man I miss playing Wz with u lost my account tho don’t remember me I’m’s I’m zombifier lol good times
Nice deal, looks good !!!
Battlehawk armory has them for 399.99. free shipping no tax.
No one’s paying $700, $800 or $900 unless they’re buying 30 round “clips” for it. It’s $435 all day every day in every gun shop south of the marble mouth state (Pennsylvania) and east of the commie coast (commiefornia, oreghetto and washyourunderwarington).
FFL transfer fee you’re paying what we pay all day every day. Or maybe slightly more with the transfer fee. Just being honest. Real curious where you’re getting those 30 round ‘clips’ though. I think we’d all be interested. Maybe because there’s no such thing, I’m seeing a magazine, not a “clip”. Clips are for M1 garands and many ammo types come on stripper clips but those are 5-10 round stripper clips.
Does that gun legit shoot metal bullets ?