With just TWO days left in the 60-day session, there are at least three extreme anti-gun bills that are continuing to move in the New Mexico Legislature. NOW is the time to take action! Contact your State Representatives by phone AND email and urge them to OPPOSE these radical measures:
House Bill 100 & Senate Bill 427 impose a 14-day waiting period on firearm purchases. This measure will add nothing to the existing FBI background check process and will only delay your ability to exercise your Second Amendment right to defend yourself, your family and your property. This makes for the longest firearms purchase waiting period in the entire country! It also applies when you go to a federal firearms licensed dealer (FFL) to be transferred a firearm you ordered. For more information on this proposal, click here.
Senate Bill 428 creates a hostile climate for lawful firearm-related industries and transactions by facilitating an increasing amount of litigation and claims, with vastly increased liability exposure and civil penalties under the state’s Unfair Trade Practices Act. This bill will lead to legal fishing expeditions on legitimate firearms retailers and manufacturers by gun control advocacy organizations and greedy trial lawyers, bankrupting the industry here in New Mexico. For more information on this bill, click here.
Make sure you put “OPPOSE HB 100, SB 427 & SB 428 in the subject line of your email.
Also, contact House Speaker Javier Martinez at (505) 986-4782 and [email protected] and let him know you OPPOSE HB 100, SB 427 & SB 428 as well.
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