Home AR-15 SLR Rifleworks AR-15 pistol

SLR Rifleworks AR-15 pistol


AMAZING SLR build!! This build was a blast!

SLR Rifleworks Upper, lower, 10.7″ ion handguard and TiN BCG and buffer tube kit.

Faxon Firearms 11.5″ gunner profile barrel
Bravo Company USA Gas block, mid-length gas tube, and
QD backplate
Magpul Industries Corp. Grip and MBUS flip-up sights
SB Tactical SBA3 brace
SilencerCo Saker 556k ASR suppressor with ASR flash hider
Trijicon, Inc. TA-33 ACOG. amber chevron.
Radian Weapons Raptor charging handle

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  1. So I have a ton of projects in the works/planning stage, but my top 2 have got to be making a "MK30" build, which would almost be a MK18 clone, just chambered in .300 Blackout – and another .300 BO built on the SLR kit. Haven't quite decided which parts to go for on the 2nd build, but I'm thinking it'll end up pretty sweet. 👌

  2. Broooo. That was awesome. Definitely not a budget build! You guys deserve millions of subs. Quality camera work. Quality parts. Quality build and over all, good people. 🇺🇸. You guys gonna blow up in subs. Remember this comment when you start getting them Youtube play buttons…

  3. this videos absolutely stunning. perfect really. keep up the great work!! I don't quite get how this does not have 7 digit plus views yet… but wow!! on point ^ appreciate someone showing off a SLR

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