Home AR-15 Philly Mayor Just Said Second Amendment Wasn't Written For AR-15s, AK-47s, Or...

Philly Mayor Just Said Second Amendment Wasn't Written For AR-15s, AK-47s, Or Multiple Shot Clips


Philly Mayor Second Amendment Temple University

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney made ridiculous comments about the strict regulations on the sale of wine and liquor compared to the lack of restrictions on the sale of firearms. He suggested that if guns were regulated similarly to alcohol, it could be beneficial.

This is ridiculous because in Philadelphia, purchasing alcohol only requires a license verifying that you’re at least 21 years old. However, buying a gun involves passing two background checks: one through the Pennsylvania Instant Check system and another through the National Instant Background Check system.

Felons can legally purchase alcohol in Philly, but cannot legally purchase a gun.

Additionally, the individual in question was only 18 years old and therefore not legally permitted to purchase a handgun.

Mayor Kenney’s remarks came after the tragic killing of a Temple University police officer, which was committed with a firearm that police have not yet recovered. While it is uncertain how the shooter obtained the weapon, Kenney used the incident to criticize the lack of restrictions on firearm ownership and purchase in what he called a “gun-crazy state.”

He also stated that the second amendment wasn’t written for AR-15s, AK-47s and Multiple shot clips.

This argument is silly because if the founding fathers wrote the second amendment so that the people had the necessary arms to fight back against a tyrannical government and the current government is running around with machine guns, you really think the founding fathers would say the people should only have muskets to fight back against a tyrannical government that has machine guns?

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  1. I see he’s speaking into a microphone and also spreading his message using television and internet…..those weren’t around when the first amendment was written.

    I’d like to propose a vote that this guy gets to say what he wants by quill pen and town crier only? Those in favor say aye.

  2. "the right of the people to keep and bear arms". It doesn't say muskets, it says arms!! The wording of the 2nd amendment allows for the changes in arms technology moving forward. The narrative that the founding fathers didn't take this into account is false. How about enforcing the laws that are on the books? If the claim that stolen or straw purchased guns are used to commit crimes is so pervasive then why aren't the laws changed to require a mandatory life sentence for using a stolen or illegally purchased gun in the commission of that crime? BTW felons can use a muzzle loader as they are not considered a firearm.

  3. Sure! As long as you also believe that the 1st Amendment does not apply to modern communications, the 4th Amendment doesn't protect your car or Cellphone from warrant-less searches and anything that exists now that did not exist at the time of writing is not protected.

  4. Where are these easily available weapons these ppl are getting without any requirements. I had to jump through hoops to get my firearms 30 wait background check, test, class, training in Los Angeles. Just to own my firearm and concealed carry.

  5. I guess they think we should still be using muskets in today's society and technology. Maybe we should all be driving model A Ford's in today's world instead of a Tesla or better yet. A horse and carriage. Maybe still under a candle instead of a led light. Face it. Technology and times have changed. Now the military is starting to figure out rail guns. Next it'll be different types of energy weapons with unlimited ammo as long as it has batteries.

  6. The problem is that politicians (and a lot of bleeding-heart people) are more concerned for the rights of criminals than they are for the safety of the citizens. There are over 46,000 different "gun laws" in this country right now. We don't need more laws, we need fewer criminals! And the way to accomplish that is to put the thugs in prison and keep them there.

    "It's easier for politicians to take away our rights than it is for them to lock up criminals."
    H.D. Charles

  7. 😒 far as I'm concerned it is long past time to overthrow the government they are overreaching for powers that they should not have the right to, and to do any less is a disservice to one's self and their fellow countrymen, but that's just my opinion

  8. But volley guns, hand mortars, cannons, and swords are all good? After all, those were arms that existed even before the revolution and those four are barely scratching the surface on what was availible.

  9. Weird, he starts out identifying nefarious firearms purchases, then goes into restricting legal gun sales? This guy is as crazy as any other Leftoid maniac! Be he is right! And the founders did not know about modern medicine, so a knife, a bone saw and a group to hold your victim, I mean patient down because there are not pain meds is ALL that YOU have any right too mayor. And, BTW Mr. Mayor, the press has no right to radio, digital or television broadcast, which leaves them with the printing press, but ONLY hand operated, one page at a time printers, because that is all they had when the constitution was written. When you start pushing to limit the press in these ways, I may listen to you, otherwise you are a liar and a threat to America.

  10. I like limited scope politicians. The only thing they work for is that next election and expanding their golden parachute.
    Walking on the backs of the people that got them in office is their primary means of transportation.

  11. I'll also add in, that since the mid 1500s, attempts to make multi-shot, clip or even magazine fed weapons existed. The founding fathers were well aware of many of them. And even had a few used against them. The puckle gun, duck foot gun, grapeshot were all used by the British during or right after the revolutionary war.

    The reason they didn't have scary assault rifles was lack of technology. They had the weapons envisioned, but not the materials or tools to do it. For heaven's sake, tanks were on people's brains since Da Vinci.

  12. The 2nd amendment is an inalienable right!!!
    "Shall not be infringed on".
    Gun laws are an "infringement"
    definition: the action of limiting or undermining something. "Limiting" who can have a firearm and where,when by directly "undermining" the 2nd amendment.

    1st part "a well regulated Militia" was described as "able bodied men willing and able to take up arms if they should need to in order to secure and maintain a free state".

    The 2nd amendment was put in place to prevent (government) over reach from (infringing) on our (rights).
    This means police,military or reserves do NOT classify as "militia" as some argue becuase they are a "government" entity.
    Time for case law.

    Miranda v arizona "where rights secured by the constitution are involved, there can be no ruling or legislation which would abrogate them".

    South carolina v united states " the constitution is a written instrument,as such its meaning does not alter. That which it ment when it was adopted,it means now".

    Marbury v madison 1803 u.s. reports vol. 5 page 137
    This is one of the leading cases in the history of the united states of america, the opinion of the court was given by the honorable judge John Marshall cheif Justice on the supreme court. His opinion was anything that is in conflict is null and void of law clearly he said that "for a secondary law to come in conflict with the supreme law was illogical, for certainly the supreme law would prevail over all other laws and certainly our forfathers had intended that the supreme law would be the basis of all law, and for any law to come in conflict would be null in void of law, it would bear no power to enforce,it would bare no obligation to obey, it would purport the settle as if it never existed for unconstitutionality would date from any enactment of such a law. No courts are bound to uphold it and no citizens are bound to obey it. "

    It operates as a mere nullity or fiction of law, which means it DOESNT EXSIST in law.

    Nysrpa v bruen 2022 " the right to keep and bear arms includes bearing arms for personal protection outside of the home, current and future laws would be required to meet historical tradition"

    Mcdonald v city of chicago 2010 "the 2nd amendment is fundamental for self defense and applies to the states under the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment"

    District of Columbia v Heller "The right to keep and bear arms is infact an individual right, and no active militia participation is necessary to excercise that right.",

    1939 miller v. united states "military and militia style weapons are protected under the 2nd amendment"

    Plummer v. State was an 1893 court case decided by the Indiana Supreme Court. The case overturned a manslaughter conviction, ruling that the convicted defendant had been protecting himself from the illegal use of force by a police officer.

    If you are pro 2nd amendment you are pro 2nd amendment  for everyone.
    if you are not then you are not pro 2nd amendment, you're pro 2nd amendment to those you approve of.
    All these gun laws violate the constitution period and people need to stand up to this.
    Absolutely every person in the United states has an equal right to keep and bear arms.
    It does not matter what some state law says or city law says it does not matter your background.
    your are a "person" and a "citizen."
    All state and city laws are bound by the constitution and if they are not they do not have to be followed as they are tyranical in nature.
    Every single gun law on the books is illegal. Nics background check is illegal,switch bans,magazine bans,bumpstock bans,assault weapons bans are all illegal.
    Every gun law back to 1934 legally has to go.

  13. We all know these truths but I find it conspicuous and astonishing that these people, particularly those holding public office, could be this obtusely ignorant in this time where knowledge is so readily available.
    I hope someone will send Mayor Moron this particular clip.

  14. Our founding fathers were aware of automatic weapons [ ARMS] and in 1715 there was an automatic weapon , our founding fathers were aware of the advancement of arms . [the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.] A primitive crew-served, manually-operated flintlock revolver patented in 1718 by James Puckle (1667–1724),This early automatic weapon was rather bizarrely designed . the Constitution does include automatic arms .

  15. Obviously, this Mayor didn't know that the 2nd amendment also applied to cannons and warships too. When the 2nd Amendment was written, these privately owned arms were used by the Continental Congress to fight against the British. Technically speaking, we should be allowed to own the very same "arms" as our government.

  16. 🤣🤣🤣 how hilarious is it that a politician is saying its all about the money when they get paid from lobbyists, campaign funds, under the table deals, unjustifiable salary and benefits, endorsement and sponsorship deals, insider trading, THE PEOPLE etc; however they want to demonize gun manufacturers for allowing the people to exercise their right 🤯 Also let's not forget they say you can't own certain things because they're "more" dangerous, unless you PAY the government an extortion tax 🤦🏽‍♂️

  17. What an idiot; the mayor of Philly is WHY our “Founder’s” wrote 2A for us/U.S. citizens to protect ourselves from an over powerful, subjugating and corrupt (local, State, Federal) Gubermints! “… shall not infringe.” Well said Mr. NOIR, THANK YOU.

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