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dude, you talk sooooooooo much. just give us the bread and butter.
I pretty much run mine the same, light on the right with the pressure pad at the 12 o'clock. I do have one that I'm running the pressure pad at the 3 o'clock as well. All I have are ARs so there's that, I need to expand into a SCAR or something a little different.
Love the content.
I’ve had flashlights on my ar and pressure pads but thought I wouldn’t like the pressure pads and all the wires I dunno I’m also a more traditional kinda of guy like iron sites until recently I wanted to try out the new to me stuff like red dots flash light grips etc I may try my pressure pad one day lol
Anybody knows which rail cover is at 4.55 .. the multicam, never seen it before..thx
Sling placement ( wyd .. please
What does everyone thing of the Olight Sigurd Angled Grip Light?
BCM Mlok mount on a KAK 15" Mlok handguard, Olight Warrior something or other, out near the end of the hand guard, right side (I'm left handed), no pressure switch or cable, just my thumb on the button. Easy.
Just bought a Streamlight weapon light for my AR. Easy to install. Thanks for the info.
I heard from a few SF guys to not run a pressure pad on your white light if you’re running a peq as well. Last thing you want is trying to stay sneaky at night and you accidentally hit your white light giving away your position.
Great video and lots of gems in here
What lumen rating should I consider for a weaponsight for an AR15? The firearm will be used for range and home defense.
What are y'all's thoughts about placing the light at 6 o'clock (under the muzzle), with a muzzle device installed? So, that it is neither blocking a left hand or right hand grip…if you have the rail space.
Any opinions on the Delton DTI 15
“Go to the gym” I like this guy
What lights are best for handguns
Hi, can you talk about the various ways to mount the light… mlok, pic, etc. to different handguards? Scout mounts and other ways. Thanks!
what do you think about the Lumintop antman lep flashlight with around 90k cd over 100$ …. does it work?
"Go to the gym" lol! best piece of advice I've heard in a minute!
Perfect opportunity for the benefits of a bullpup
This guys sense of humor is so off and bland. Just awkward to hear
Check me out. I'm a lefty but it's pretty squared away.
On my S&W m&p15 have a sig romeo 2Moa red dot with a 3x magnifier behind it and a cheap amazon baught flashlight that attaches to my M-lok handguard. For 35 bucks that light has been 100% worth every penny.
Good video Clint. It's Shooter's choice. I prefer what Larry Vickers noted using a tac light in the 12 o'clock position due to Suppressor shadow. In CAG he said the most important thing was PID of the face and hands. He mounts front BUIS just behind the light. Pistol size light with a toggle takes less rail space, lighter and ambi control. Doesn't get blocked when cornering right/left. No cables to deal with.
I need to figure out the best light for a Springfield Armory Saint Victor, AR 15 rifle because it does not have a Picatinny rail on the top of the barrel. Any suggestions.
Clint has a big ego but doesn't realize it.
I know stuff isn’t gonna be free but damn the prices on some those weapon lights and pressure switches is kinda steep
Hi !! I've been shooting handguns and shotguns for approx. 40 years. New to the A/R platform. LOTS to learn. LOVE your channel and all your videos. You are all a lot of fun to watch, all very likable, interesting and VERY informative. My new favorite go-to on YouTube. Content provided by people who really know their $**t is priceless. THANK YOU so very much and please keep up the great work. Best to You all and Yours.
I think its definitely good to just base your light setup on your weapon platform, and what you're doing with the weapon. On my AK I'm not gonna use a pressure pad, personally. But on my ar I would.
Montrum M-LOK Weapon Light Pressure Switch Cable Clips makes some great small m-lok cable management clips and keep the cables well controlled. If you have a streamlight protec pressure pad and m-lok on your rail Shaffer machining makes a plate to mount them to your rail. They also have
One that manages cables under the switch as well. Super cool!
“Here I am!”,, “Here I am!” ,, That’s what the light is really saying, with the volume depending on the intensity of the light.. although the small Axiom light that attaches to your bayonet lug is really cool.
Burn Proof Gear wraps are also great to stow wires and Cloud Defensive pads OEM clamps have wire management slots too
Im left handed but I shoot like I’m right handed so this would be great
@classic firearms Clint where did you get your mlok American flag? I have search and can't find any online. Or does anyone know where I can find one?
How about a Sig Rattler with a binary trigger giveaway
I love my cloud defensive OWL. Simple, no wires and it's very bright