Home AR-15 U.S. gun massacre killers make Republican's 'national gun of America' question moot

U.S. gun massacre killers make Republican's 'national gun of America' question moot


Alex Wagner points out that while a Republican congressman and gun dealer wants to establish the AR-15 as the “national gun of America,” murderers who seek to kill as many Americans as possible in frequent mass shootings have already established their preference for the AR-15 in that very American aberration. 
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  1. I guess only rich media and politicians pay for arm security and rest of normal people own guns to protect our love ones.. our home.. Everything we get up and work for everyday to live….. Called defending ourselves 2nd amendment

  2. Lie #1 : AR15 is weapon of choice for mass shootings….NO! That would be handguns. Also more killed with hands and feet than all rifles, less than 600 per year. Fake news.

  3. Less than 5% of all gun homicides in the US are committed using rifles. Most are committed with cheap handguns used as throwaway weapons. Most mass shooters had been on fbi radar, at this point with the state of the fbi I wouldn't be surprised if at best they neglect to act or at worst assist or encourage shooters.

  4. That guy is so obviously bought off by the gun manufacturer that you can practically see the dollar Bill's falling out of his overstuffed pockets. There is simply no other possible motivation that would make someone do something like this.
    Look kids, this is a prime example of what corruption is and how you people will do the most disgusting things imaginable for money. Thanks to people like him, if you live in America, you actually face significant odds of being killed by one of these things. Now go on and be happy, while you can.

  5. History repeating it's self, attacking freedom of speech, religion, right to bear arms.
    Politicians putting the people against each other, seeking even further control while going unchecked.
    This nation is doomed.

  6. And here you are reporting on this nonsense instead of concentrating on how the GOP is diverting our attention away from the fact that they are doing nothing about healthcare, the environment, corporate influence on politics, labor rights, etc.
    So great job helping the GOP with its gaslighting!

  7. Wow how sick these people are. a weapon used to Slaughter innocent Children in multiple School shootings in the Just the last year and these sick and twisted Anti American Republicans get paid How much $$$ per Body. Want try and Glorify this weapon. Money over our Children's Life's. These Liars claim to be Pro life.They are PRO MONEY they can care less about life's of the American people. And our Children. As long as it's not there Family Being Buried.

  8. A media lie that spurred this kind of tragedy on makes the "Media Credibility" question moot… criminals are going to crime.. it is a TRAGEDY.. but parading people when they do this.. is part of the reason they do it.. for the 15 minutes in front of a camera.. stop giving them any attention at all when they commit an atrocity and just deal with them.. this would happen less..

  9. He was elected into office to speak for the people not make a buck on legislations he sponsors. there is a phrase for that "conflict of interest". He is as disgusting as the legislation he sponsored.
    All these elected officials need to be taken down many pegs, changes need to be made whether it's crap like this or stock profits, whatever. They already get paid better then most Americans. It's all DISGUSTING!

  10. How is the U.S. producing these narcissistic killers? Why do they only come in the male version and not a female version? Why do these anti-social young man tend to target bright, well-adjusted school children? Just a coincidence that they're all male? Just a coincidence that they hate smart, happy people? How could we produce boys like this if we really wanted to?

  11. These MF's are the most ignorant pieces of sh** , and they are leading our government. The rest of the world must think we are beyond gone crazy. We now see what government looks like when white men rule. Pathetic. My hope is they will know the grief visited upon the victims of gun violence.

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