Those know-it-alls on the Internet, the elusive “they,” are at it again! They’re saying that if you don’t have a quick-detach mount on your AR-15’s scope, you might as well not bother with backup sights. Their theory is that if your primary optic is securely clamped down, you won’t be able to remove it in an emergency to deploy those backup sights. Steve points out that some optics, like Aimpoint red dots, are short enough they don’t cover a rear backup sight, so it doesn’t matter if they’re on a QD mount.
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Yeah I mean the only time I don’t have rear backup sights is if I have the long Eotech 512 which leaves no room for iron sights on my particular build. And if that optics battery were to go down I have spare batteries in the grip of the weapon so it’s not needed anyway. Plus if I’m in a close engagement and my optic goes down for any reason, the triangle sight post of my rifle acts as a reference point for my point of aim in a pinch so it’s a non issue for me.
That rear site reminds me of when you see a racecar missing a headlight. Its OBVIOUSLY there for a reason… even if i dont get why.
I can see where it could be useful in some limited circumstances, basically only in competition. But in general there is no point in having back up sights if they dont clear the sight, or you have a QD mount.
I run the 45 degree flip up open sights. So if by some freak of nature my optic did fail, I just rotate the gun 45 degrees and flip up.
Indeed, goofy = awesome. : )
Not to mention if your running tactical games, you should also have your most valuable tool with you… Your prybar bayonet to take off that broken scope… And if you don't have your bayonet with you, then you shouldn't be there
"I think it looks super awesome." LOL!!! YEAH IT DOES!
Doesn't your optics eye relief allow it to be moved forward to clear the rear sight? This setup, as is, can cost you a stage if the optic fails mid-stage. Being able to rapidly raise the backups for immediate use can make a world of difference. Mine has co-witnessed sights so that I'm not rushed to remove a non-functional optic in a critical situation. To each his own. IMO.
I left my irons off because of the rear sight cramming up underneath my Lpvo. Do you think if the rear sight is big enough that it could mess with the zero of your scope?
Keep em comin, I enjoy these smyth busters
I have a similar setup on my rifle. It works
Entertainment and education in one video. Simply awesome…
Nah you don't need them but they are very useful. I recommend them but it's all about what YOU want.
Only if you walk backwards.
Question? Is there a “quick release” MLOK mount made so that one wouldn’t need tools to remove the scope? If not, sounds like an opportunity for development?
What are you thoughts on offset sites?
I love you you turned that rifle towards you just to yank people's chains. I have 45 degree sights on my 308 because it has a fixed 6x scope. If people don't approve of my gun then they can kiss my other one.
I use 45 degree offset iron sights.
I have backups on all of my AR's except one where the scope is simply too fat for a rear backup to fit. And I have QD bases on all of my optics. OK, I'm anal about this, I'll admit. No real need for a QD base on my red dots as I can still see and align the backups through the red dot.
In the words of Paul Harrell: "You be the judge"
Most ppl running a red dot should have a backup iron sight in case of a dead battery. This doesn’t apply to all optics of course. The more expensive brands that have solar panels are more dependable but anything can happen and you should be able to aim effectively in any scenario. It could mean the difference between life and death.
If only they had offset backup sights…
I prefer canted irons, in case of just such a failure.
I always keep allen wrench for a sight removal and extra battery in my hand grip!! Very important!
For the minor weight increase. It is better to have and not need, than to need and not have
All the gear gets back to the main situation: what's going to happen or is going on. You can't address all alternatives, but you can address many. The LE training has focus based on real world situations. Might as well train like the pros.
To many what ifs. No back ups on bolt, lever actions. Remington or browning semi autos, no buis. Have good optics or what ever you like, and you are good to go. I love ar15s. Problem is they are so modular. So easy to turn a light weight gun into a effort to carry and shoot.
Here's my theory of using a just a red dot like a holosun. The batteries last a long time and if you have time to dismount an optic to use your irons, you have time to change a battery
I just realized you guys are father and son… the ears are identical
Wisdom is earned not given. Most people these days are echo chambers of who might be their favorite YouTuber of the month. I hear alot of ridiculous stuff coming from these so called experts. Redundancy is King no matter what the " expert " says.
I agree have the same kind of scope setup but i have 45 degree pop up iron's
Makes sense to me…lol
I piggyback an RDS on my LPVO rifles but for everything else I just run basic backups.
I like it! But, I went with offset irons, so I don’t have to take the optic off. Yee hat dang old haw, boys.
Canted irons for close range, optic for longer range
After 10 years of having backup sites on my rifle and not ever using them I took them off. After 10 more years of still not needing them I don't miss them
I would kind of agree that if you have a scope that's held down with three bolts you aren't going to be needing back up irons. The back up irons are the ones on the pistol at that point
Yuk! Yuk! Scenario; wha if, in REAL gunfight, opponent shoots dead-center of your scope, the sheer force ripping your scope completely off!! With your forethought, of having bak-up sites, you're good to go…yuk, yuk… Jus sayn. Always better to be Dead Right!
If your gonna spend the money on a high dollar scope mount why NOT buy one that is QD, like ADM? Gets you back in an “accurate” gun fight sooner rather than sitting down, finding your leather man, unscrewing the bolts then getting back in the fight. What if your low on ammo and need to make each shot count? What if your team is depending on you? Especially if you have to make accurate shots at distance? BUT DEFINITELY HAVE IRON SIGHTS! They are the “primary” sights if you ask anyone in the military. But to each his own as long as it’s ONLY your ass on the line. BTW when shits hitting the fan and bullets are flying around you, let’s see your fine motor skills try to unscrew a small screw. Good Luck.
Every rifle I own has irons, even if it has an optic.
Optics can and do fail, iron's rarely fail.
It really is that simple.
Great to see that you are prepared
As an American, I say you do whatever you want. Trusting fine motor skills in a gunfight probably isn't a good idea, but as you said, you're shooting as a civilian. Are locking lever-type mounts really that expensive?
if running an LPVO or scopes in general, I prefer something offset, since that way I don't have to ditch the scope if something happens and I need to use backup. because even if it is damaged it is expensive.