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0:00 How To Train With Your AR-15 & Sidearm (Part 1)
1:48 Thank you Daniel Defense!!
2:02 High Ready Position
3:20 Presenting from High Ready
4:23 Transitioning to Secondary
5:19 Slings
6:25 Rifle to Sidearm
7:02 Sidearm to Rifle
7:24 Reloads
9:03 Malfunctions
9:44 Drill Start
10:24 Impostor MK18
10:58 Drill 1 | High Ready Practice
12:24 Drill 2 | 1 Shot from High Ready x 10
13:40 Drill 3 | 1 Shot from Low Ready x 10
14:52 Drill 4 | Malfunctions – Slow
16:00 Drill 5 | Malfunctions – Fast
18:13 “That’s a Tool, I’m the Weapon”
19:20 “Evil knows no face, no place, no time.”
20:36 Drill 6 | Primary: 2 – Secondary: 2
21:34 Drill 7 | Primary: 1 – Reload – 1
23:02 Drill 8 | Primary: 1 – Secondary: 1 – Primary: Reload – 1 (Walking)
24:23 Running Tips
24:54 Drill 9 | Sprint Down & Back – Pri:1 – 2nd: 1 – Pri: Reload – 1 (Walking)
25:21 Turning Tips from “Tanto”
26:28 Tournament: Round 1
27:15 Tournament: Round 2
27:59 Tournament: Semi-Finals
28:48 Tournament: Finals
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Intro Song: “Issa Trap” by Mikey Geiger
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I wish we had Kaya in this video
I watched this twice , this guy is legit
Wait a second Kris Tanto Poronto? 13 hours secret soldiers from benghazi?
People saying “show off” are just mad because they don’t listen to instructions.
Being new to the AR-15, I’m definitely gonna train like this on my next range day (personal/private range). Never knew this super-fun hole puncher was capable of so much!
is that tanto in the video?
Where I'm from a secondary is a luxury. Not even most machinegunners get one.
Clint’s like I’m just here to make a video
Awesome stuff. But not Clint getting s big head at 19 mins.
So much fun
Did Clint and Michael the instructor serve in the same unit in the USMC, because they both have the same tattoo on their arm?
That was Fun Clint! Thanks for sharing this and bringing us along.
Maybe, you could try a Reid Henrichs course too.
As an new to the AR platform shooter, (plenty of pistol/shotgun/hunting rifle) this is fantastic. Thank you. Tons to learn.
Well at least no one is wearing back packs on the range.
This has been a great video
Lost it when the pistol just wasn’t there lol
I can’t believe Clint didn’t have iron sites and only had a Eotech.
Somebody gamed it!! Lol
Great training , thank you for sharing!
Way to give the people back home soem insight and training drills to practice on their own, I know I will be using these drills for practice thanks Clint and the team.

Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading.
This guy is a great teacher very humble and gets the information across great stuff
Lol I wonder if I got lucky ahhhh…. Nope just safe and semi
Ok so what do Recommend to add to a bare RF ar 15 ???and to be a new bee as well to set it up.
*AR-15 goes bang*
ah fk malfunction
proceeds to *YEET* the AR-15
Very well done and pretty cool as well!
13:04 That’s a big whoops!
Awesome on steroids got a rush watching this video and some new and exciting training drills!!!!!!
Damn, next time have the proper holster… lol JK
That was a sick video. Awesome bunch of instructors
I absolutely love how people get out and train. Keep working hard dudes!
Great Video Brother thank you so much for sharing these Paid trainings you do its very educational !!! i really appreciated !!!! God Bless
Great video!Gotta practice using this one