For decades the AK has beat the AR in one critical area, but thanks to Dead Foot Arms that is no longer true! No, seriously! Who doesn’t want an underfolding AR?
#ar15 #vs #AK47
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I always hated the way undefolders work loose. That AR buffer tube isn't much shorter than OEM. I will stick with my side-folding AK's.
ARs > AKs
Omg I need it. I just need it…
Um, I have an AK with a folding stock and it is painful to use. Also, the sights suck.
The sound of the ak, and the way it looks, is intoxicating
Underfolders are the worst. Give me a side folder anyday.
Dracos are the coolest because you can put it in a backpack try that with you 10 Inc ar
I'm good, no thanks. First time I get my lip or teeth clacked by the receiver extension I'm destroying that rifle. Not wasting time or money on that trash gimmick
Underfolders #1 BAD Cheek weld. #2 They become "Wobbly" JUNK. #3 Most sidefolders are Sooo much better in many ways, Especially a Right side folder. Especially some of the U.S. Ones.
I prefer the triangle side folding ak
I don’t think performance has anything to do with stock selection but its nice to know another option is available for the AR.
Yeah but AK is WAY too cold. AR has those warm summers.
Ew, that thing is ugly af
How do people get consistent cheek welds with underfolding stocks?
Penetration isnt one of them?
The ultimate AR configuration is in 7.62×29 with a piston and is overbuil… oh wait
This man is some sort of a sadist if you enjoy the underfolder kalash stocks. Pain in "shoulder thing that goes up" form
please do a video this.
That's actually pretty great even with the little bit of buffer tube sticking out. I would like to do that with a 6mm ARC SBR. That could make for a 1000 yard CQB gun.
You are right about one thing under folder is coolest ak ever. I own a npap-df and shooting it while folded or while not is immensely enjoyable.
Kinda cool but it's 2 critic areas. Under folder and reliability.
If I sit down and think how many ways a AK out does a AR it’s not even close. Who has been n military duty the longest? Who has been n more wars and skirmish around the world? Which is easier and cheaper to make? I don’t think they use steel cases n the AR’s during war time r anytime only brass another plus.The list goes on. Dependability is #1 plus harder hitting cartridge. For many yrs a 5.56 wasn’t even allowed for deer season n Ky.
Gigachad portion of aids for that AR underfolder
The only thing AK won is more femboys
0:28 Nor true, ever heard of LR-300??????????????
The buffer tube is so lame
ATF ban in 3…2…1
Life’s good
AWESOME! Just the answer nobody wanted to a problem nobody had! I personally can't wait to buy the most uncomfortable, outdated stock instead of ammo! CONSUMERISM!
What will they think of next…
Bad ass
The underfolder is the lamest thing in the industry
Lol. Worthless.
okay, so what about the actual real outperformance. say being able to still be kicking ass in extreme weather conditions like the ones garand thumb puts on his channels.
Is that a AR-47 ? FOLDER
Laughs in AR18
Just an fyi- deadfoot arms will knowingly sell you out of spec parts. When I emailed them about a problem I had with a product I bought from them they told me they knew there was a problem with some batches of them. I could send it back but they couldn’t tell me when I would get it back- or I could try and fix it myself “ if I was any good with a dremel tool” totally bush league