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While the political elite continues to infringe on all of our rights, there is one that specifically says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!! Yet the Second Amendment continues to be an endangered species. You cannot defend the First WITHOUT the second!!! Gun enthusiasts and patriotic Americans understand why we have the second amendment. For love of country and passion for our God-given freedoms, Big Daddy Unlimited is the premier online destination for all your gun, gear, ammo and more! Join our Revolution today!
Big Daddy Unlimited combines high-tech curated shopping with a high-touch concierge customer service experience and more than 20 years of industry knowledge. We are revolutionizing the online gun, gear, and ammo buying process with the largest selection of in-stock products at everyday industry leading prices!
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How do those boots taste BDU? Absolutely pathetic that you would sell out to the ATF.
The comments are wonderful.
How to end your company in 1 easy step.
Betray your customer's trust.
Fjb & Fbdu
This company needs to be put out of business
Spend your money on a company that actually is about 2A.
Fudds who wanna be feds
And none of the comments are on the actual video…. Which is what I expected to see. lol
Big Cucks Unlimited
I was wondering if everything I heard about this company backstabbing it’s vendors and clientele was rumor but according to the comments, it wasn’t a rumor. I wonder how long BDU sticks around after it burned its entire reason for being in business. If this is all true, that was some cowardly
Came for the comments, was not disappointed
Go too hell BDU.
These scumbags are cowards , I truly hope your shitty company shuts down after your betrayal….
BDU is the type of company to open themselves up for a massive class action lawsuit and federal ass pounding (unless selling out their customers for a deal with the ATF is part of the plan) so they don't have to lose a patent infringement case.
BDU is full of Filthy low-life trash, and have skylined themselves as enemies to the 2A community
Big Daddy unlimited, You're a sell out and you people should be ashamed. You should close your doors and end your business
F U bdu
You're the guys giving the ATF customer information, huh?
Cucks gonna cuck. GTFOH! No HONOR from BDU!
Oh look, anti gunners. Funny how you claim on your fb " For love of country and passion for our God-given freedoms" but side with ATF…… We get it, you voted for pedo joe.
You worked for the atf this entire time i bet
Sponsoring gun buyback, Copyright infringement and siding with the ATF to take away our rights. SCREW BDU
Thanks, you sold out the entire 2A community and make me want to vomit. KIR Ammo now gets ALL of my freedom seed and freedom thrower money. Dicks.
I have a feeling yall will be shutting down after pissing off your base , just be honest in the beginning, to manyshady deal with, yall and stabbing your customers in the back you should be ashamed of yourselves ,I'm not and never will be a customer of yours especially now.
Greedy lying cowards, buy nothing from this company
So long BDU you just screwed the pooch and all of your clients
BDU are Scum
BDU sides with the Biden administration, the AFT and the enemies of the 2nd Amendment that Rare Breed's FRT triggers are machine guns. Reno May explains. https://youtu.be/opgGhGGCSxo
Big Dirtbag Unlimited should be your new brand name. I wonder what the sound of hundreds of thousands of BDU accounts being deleted all at once sounds like. Care to tell us @Big Daddy Unlimited or cower in silence???
Complete sell outs. Refuse to support this outfit.
You guys are a bunch of sell outs and should be the ones in trouble not frt
BDU is trash, stealing the FRT design and then saying the FRT is a machine-gun
Super disappointing
You wimps sold out to the ATF. I hope your business crumbles.