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The standard M-4 / AR-15 pistol grip pisses me off to no end. I suffered through my time in the service with that piece of crap, as did a lot of people. I still see them sold on stock rifles and with lower parts kits.
Recently I got my hands on a couple grips, and rather than sending them to the landfill, I figured there had to be a way to get something useful out of them. As it turns out, with a small in vestment of time and a few tools, you can make a decent grip out of them. In this video I explain how-to take a stock rifle pistol grip and hack it into something ergonomic for your next rifle build.
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I don't go to the lengths you do, but I always remove the finger groove and remove all the "sharp" angles. I may give cutting away the bottom groove and hack some length off a shot.
i love that grip i dont know why everyone hates it
That finger groove is a pain in my ass. Whos hands does that fit? Certainty not mine.

Excellent video! I love the calibrated eye statement! I have about 4 of these junk a$$ grips and I could not bring myself to toss them but I hate their feel in hand since my days in Uncle Sam's Army of One. I will put some work in one on my next build!! Thanks bro!
You're obviously not a combat vet. That A2 GRIP is highly functional. Comfort over functionality won't save you POG.
Maybe I’m just dumb but what’s so bad about that little bump?
I have both original Colt A2 grips and BCM, Black Rifle Depot clones I made myself. It helps if you can find one with a "F" stamped on the inside near the mounting hole. I then take a new sharp X-acto #11 blade and carefully shave the mold part line flashing off all the way around. Once this is done you take it to your blast cabinet using 120 grit aluminum oxide media set at 30 psi pressure and give it a once over. This knocks off the aftermarket shine and tones down the deep black to a more Colt gray/black with a chalky texture. After it comes out you clean it off with some kind of solvent like brake cleaner, Birchwood Casey Gun Scrubber or rubbing alcohol and blow all the nooks and crannies out with compressed air. Spray it down CLP, 3 iN 1 or Silicone spray and let it soak in. Dry off the excess and take a look. It will mirror a original Colt A2 pistol grip and you din't have to spend $40 for it and search the entire web finding it.
Getchu a dremel, pham.
Tought I was the only one that did this
I never minded the finger groove. Fit my hand just fine (Glock Gen 4 grooves also fit my smaller hands) My problem with the A2 grip is angle. Works great for the old super-bladed marksmen stance style shooting but thats it. The B5 p23 grip is my new go-to. Perfect angle and beavertail fit my hands and work great for squared up and dynamic shooting
I just had an idea to make a standard P.O.S. AR grip better a look who's got a rad video on how to do it. Thanks Ivan.
This guy just pulled a full.custom grip good minis the sticking on a stump,in the woods with a hiking wood saw and a huge wood rasp. Props
Hey bro, u missed a spot cutting ur hair.
The grip your destroying look perfect for a sniper rifle
a2 grips…how god intended
Thanks for the idea ! I just took off the finger nub on mine and drilled a hole in the lower nub, I used a bandsaw, and then smoothed it out with automotive sand paper so it looked like it was made like that. I have done half a dozen now for my friends. They all love the improved feel ,and the old school Vietnam M16 look !
Nice rasp file
That is how the firts m16 handgrips were looking…
Basicly, what you have done is made it smooth, with no groows for fingers on it…
Thats how it first was, but they changed it to this
Hey I just want to say I also have a Silky Gomboy and it's an amazing saw.
They are to angled anyways, I use PTS grips are so comfortable tho
I must be one of the few that likes the A2 and the MIAD with finger separator front strap is my favorite aftermarket grip. Don't throw it away, you never know if there'll be another AWB in the future.
Really useful. I'll try on mine
I would add another two steps: rough up the entire thing and wrap it in with a thin piece of rubber.
Great video
I have a sock drawer full of these…I might try this
All I heard in the video was waaaa waaaaa

you took a pos and when finished it was still a pos. Good grief man your time is worth something and superior items can be had under 20 bucks
The finger groove you sawed off first is for people with the USGI flat trigger guards, so you don't cut your finger when hold it with one hand.
genius you are!"
thanks friend !"