Home AR-15 ATF Pistol Brace Rule Explained… Kind of…

ATF Pistol Brace Rule Explained… Kind of…


I’m sure you’ve heard by now, The ATF has released a “Final Rule” on Pistol Braces. This video is to explain the “rule” in the most simple way possible.

If you REALLY want it – Here is the link for the ATF Form 1:

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  1. Was under the impression a butt stock is allowed. So for example, ar 15 with 14 inch barrel and a butt stock is legal. Am I missing something? My AR doesnt have a velcro belt, i.e, arm strap

  2. The other option if you plan on going the NFA route is to pin and weld a suppressor long enough to the barrel so that you are at 16 inches, because you are at 16 inches you can throw a stock on the firearm. By doing this you don't have to register the firearm.

  3. Sootch had a video where he and some other guy who watched a ATF webinar said that normal red dot is legal, you just can’t have a magnified optic on it. I take this guys word as Glocks official position but the guy Soootch was with was also from a big company , although not as big as Glock. So who’s right?

  4. I wonder, if 10s of millions of us stood IN OUR HOMES, blinds opened for the world to see, cameras out , taking video until the press arrived, and most importantly, ALL OF US, holding our AR PISTOLS, complete as they ought to be, what would the government do then?

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